
Monday, February 17, 2014

No Goodbyes!

"Consider it all joy,
when you encounter various trials ,
for the testing of your faith
produces perseverance."  James 1: 2-3

How can we ever consider it a joy
when we encounter trials?
But it is possible with TRUST-
Trust in God, and that whatever happens,
He will turn it for good.

 My mother,after a long and difficult journey,
went home to the One who loves her the best
on February 15.
During her illness, there were times I would think
that God was not making any sense
and I struggled with trying to understand.
But when I decided I did not have to understand,
that I would just trust Him,
then I had the peace and joy that comes
even in the midst of trial and difficulty.

I can honestly say that I rejoice that my mother
is in her true home, where she belongs,
where we all belong.

 I was looking for a miracle,
and God indeed gave me a miracle.
I thought I would be devastated,
because my mother was my best friend.
We could talk and talk and talk.
We could even quarrel and talk some more
until we could understand each other.
I am not devastated,
I am not even sad.
I have been looking for grief,
and I could not find him!
I believe you need grief to heal
and move on. Grief is good.
But you do not need to heal when
there is joy and gratefulness
in your heart!
I did not know it was possible,
but it is!
God can indeed do the impossible!
 I was not happy with my portrait of my mom,
so I asked my brother Robert to fix it.
Here is what he did.
I am so happy with it!

I am not going to say goodbye, mommy!
I know we will be together again!
And there will be no goodbyes!


  1. Oh Patsy, I can so identify--I lost my mother 16 years ago--they have passed so swiftly and I can hardly believe it has been that long--she was definitely my best friend and I will never not miss her but she too is with the Lord. I am sorry for your loss but thrilled with the miracle God has done in your heart. This tribute to her is just beautiful and yes, I love how Robert completed what you started. Prayers for you and yours.

  2. Hi Patsy

    What an inspiring post. I am so sorry for your loss but your words are so encouraging. I also love your art.

    Thankyou for this uplifting post.


  3. There just aren't words to describe the peace that only God can give. You have experienced a miracle. May you continue to know this peace that passes understanding. Your mother is praying for you and with you now in perfection.

  4. I am still so sad in one way that Mommy went home last January but like you so happy she was free from the pain and suffering. You have my condolences at this time. God is so good to us all. Your post is sweet and the picture of your dear Mother is just Heavenly.Thank you for sharing this lovely art with us at such a time as this . Please come back soon.
    Blessings, Carole Word Art Wednesday DT

  5. My dear friend and sister in the Lord, Patsy - My heart goes out to you and your family. I have been SO blessed to be a part of your life and to have the opportunity to pray for you, your family, and your mother during her illness. Praise God there is no more struggling, no more pain, no more fear or worry, just a wonderful peace that passes understanding as she rests in the arms of her Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I will continue to pray for your peace. We will honor her in our post this week. May God bless and comfort you all.
    Word Art Wednesday

  6. Patsy, I can so relate to your post since my sweet father when home to be with his precious Jesus three years ago. I still miss him, but every day I think of the joy and glory he is experiencing now. I'll be praying for you. Thank you for sharing such beautiful artwork and your heart with us at Word Art Wednesday. We always love your creations but this on certainly touches our hearts. Diane Noble (DT-WAW)

  7. Patsy, I am so sad for you. I know you are rejoicing that she isn't suffering and is in the very presence of the King. However, the loss is great. I prayed for her. I send you my sympathy in your loss.

  8. I am so sorry that I missed this post Patsy, and sorry for your loss. You have the peace that passes understanding...the peace that only God and faith in him can give. Those who don't know Him cannot understand the joy we can have when our loved ones go Home. It won't be long and we know we will be reunited forever...oh the joy on that day! God bless and comfort you my friend.


I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy