
Monday, March 31, 2014

The Absolute Best!!!

 "For I create Jerusalem 
to be a JOY
and its people to be a delight..."
Isaiah 65:18

There is so much misconception about God.
But the surest way to get to know Him
is to go back to the truth...
His Word.

And He said that He created 
His people to be a joy to Himself,
a delight, a source of pleasure and happiness.
No way is He a distant God,
a vengeful far off being
intent on punishing us or watching 
everything we do to count it against us!

Instead, if we TRUST Him,
we will realize that everything that happens to us,
every senseless (to us!) thing,
every painful, hard circumstance in our life
is an opportunity for change, transformation,
growth and thus for thanksgiving!

 "The Lord looks into the heart."
1 Samuel 16:7

No one can see our hearts better than God!
And that should be a comfort to us!
Because if people could see our hearts,
uh oh!!!
Condemnation to the max!
But God is most loving, kind, 
compassionate and He only wants the
absolute best for us!

What a wonderful truth to start our week with!!!

I find a lot of inspiration
visiting here:

So many WONDERFUL blogfriends
to discover!


  1. Not sure what happened to the mr Linky there but I can see it and I will add you. Happy Paper Saturdays. ManonX

  2. That is a wonderful thought for a Monday!

  3. Beautiful paintings and sentiments.

  4. So soft and beautiful. Thank you for joining us this week at Word Art Wednesday. Blessings, Carole

  5. Your creations are gorgeous. I especially love the face of the lady on your first ATC in this post. It's so alive! Thank you for blessing us with your artwork this week at Word Art Wednesday. Would love to see you join us again in our next Challenge. Leaving you with a blessing from God's Word in Joshua 1:9- "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Hugs always!

    JO ANN


I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy