
Monday, April 28, 2014

Wonders and Signs!

 "It is impossible for us not to speak 
about what we have seen and heard." Acts 4:20. 
I think about these ordinary men and women, 
much like you and me, 
who witnessed such extraordinary events, miracles, 
and HAD TO speak about them! 
Even if the authorities told them to shut up, 
they could not quench that inner urge 
to tell the world about the awesome truth 
that Jesus is alive and His words are true!

"As they prayed, the place where they were shook,
 and they were all filled with the HOLY SPIRIT." 
Acts 4:31. 
Those were exciting times! 
Imagine the room shaking after you pray 
as if there's an earthquake! 
Imagine a huge crowd of people 
speaking in different languages. 
Imagine "uneducated men of no standing" 
speaking in confidence and power, 
unafraid of the angry authorities 
who throw them in jail! 
Imagine these same men 
getting freed by an angel, 
and going back to preaching! 
Imagine healings happening left and right, 
and even the shadow of Peter
 falling on the sick healing! 
We ask, why doesn't this happen now? 
If it does, we're not going to believe it anyway, will we? 
I think the first step is to believe 
it can happen today, 
that God's power is available for us today, 
and start laying hands on sick people 
and praying big prayers. 
Allow God space for miracles and He will come through!

 Catholics believe in the fellowship of the saints. 
When we are baptized in Christ, 
by grace, all of us are saints with a small 's'. 
Yesterday we recognized two new saints with a big S. 
Pope John Paul II and Pope John XXIII. 
There are many wonderful stories about them 
but this is my favorite. 

In 1945, Edith Zierer was freed from a Nazi labor camp. 
She was so weak she collapsed in a busy village train station. 
Many passed by but no one helped 
until a young seminarian stopped to give her
 a cup of tea and a sandwich. 
He also carried her on his back to catch a train many miles away 
and accompanied her to where she wanted to go. 
In 1978, Edith read in her Jewish newspaper
that Karol Wojtyla was elected Pope! 
She recognized the name 
of her rescuer and wrote him. 
When they met, Edith recited a line from the Torah: 
"One who saves a life, it is as if he saves the whole world." 

I believe God gives us all opportunities to save lives. 
It may not be as dramatic as Edith's story,
 but let us keep a look out for those opportunities all the same!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Patsy,
    A wonderful story and shared at a momentous time. I was present when Pope John Paul celebrated Mass in Ottawa Sept 20th 1984. Thank you for joining us this week at Word Art Wednesday with your wonderful art.
    Abundant Blessings, Carole

  3. Beautiful and inspirational. Visiting you made me smile and feel His joy.


I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy