
Friday, May 02, 2014

Paint Party Friday: Take Us Home!

 First step.
Find a picture of a man you can turn into Jesus.
Trace on a background.


What Jesus started in 30 AD is still going strong today.
Ric Warren says in his interview with Raymond Arroyo
on EWTN's World Over, that there are
2.3 billion Christians,
1/3 of all the people in the world!
 That's compared to 600 million Buddhists,
800 million Hindus, and 1.5 billion Muslims.

He also said that there are 10 million villages 
in the world where the only thing in it is a church!

 Just as in Jesus' time,
there are forces trying to destroy Christians
and Christianity in the world today.
But what was said by a Pharisee in the Sanhedrin
holds true today:
"If this endeavor or activity is of human origin,
it will destroy itself.
But if it comes from God,
you will not be able to destroy them;
you may even find yourself fighting against God."
Acts 5:38-39

"God does not ration
His gift of the Holy Spirit."
John 3:34.

It's amazing how the GPS gets us to where
we want to go.
Even if we make a wrong turn,
it just recalculates,
and we can still get to our destination.
I think that's why God
gave us the gift of the Spirit.
Because God definitely wants us to get to heaven!
And even if we take several wrong turns,
if we turn to Him,
we can depend on the Spirit to take us Home!

Thank you Lord that You called us to follow You!
That even if there are forces against us,
You will prevail!
And You will finish the work you started in us
and bring us Home!!!

Linking with

Sometimes I put on my best pajamas and
join these wonderful blog parties!!!
So many WONDERFUL blogfriends to discover!

Thank you for dropping by!
You are appreciated!



  1. Wonderful post today, Patsy. I enjoyed your demo on how you drew the Jesus figure in your art. Beautiful.

  2. Great post Patsy and thank you for sharing. Happy PPF, Annette x

  3. Beautiful blog. . . .I always hear all the negatives, you have presented a positive picture of the real world. Good idea about the portrait. Blessings, Janet PPF

  4. Sometimes as a Christian I feel in the minority. It is encouraging to hear these numbers, because that means billions of souls being saved! Thank you for sharing part of the process of how you create your beautiful art at What We Accomplished Wednesdays. Have a great week!


  5. Oh, good thoughts, especially that although the enemy can try to crush the Lord said, what is of God is paraphrase. As always I am thrilled to have you join in at Random Journal Day this month - have so missed your links..although I see you on Instagram and LOVE that! Hugs, Patsy. Beautifully expressed as always. You inspire.

  6. Wow, your artwork is amazing. I am bookmarking this page to come back when I have a little more time to peruse the collection!

  7. Loved seeing the progression in this piece!

  8. Pasty: Your artwork is wonderful. I enjoyed reading the process you took to make this a picture of Jesus. Thank you for visiting my blog.

  9. Anonymous3:30 AM

    What a coincidence - I preached a sermon last Sunday and quoted those same figures and then I find you from the PPF link. As one of your previous comments said we can sometimes feel we are in a minority, but these figures say not. Love the artwork too - good to have a 'historical' Jesus.

  10. Stinkin' cool--turning any man's face into Jesus. My brain took that to so many places. Every man and every woman. Wow, what a thought. He for us so that we could become 'little Christs'. I love the art, love your given-talent. Thanks so much for linking with RJD.

  11. Really interesting observations today - and love how you turned that face into Jesus. It seems a great metaphor - that we all have the face of the divine.

  12. beautiful!
    and I am so thankful that He doesn't ration His Spirit, but pours out full and free...

  13. Thank you for this post I needed that!

  14. Anonymous8:33 AM

    Good Scripture reminders...if it's of God it will stand and how I need an abundance of His Spirit in my without God would be unbearable.

  15. Happy Paper Saturdays!

  16. Thank you for sharing your beautiful art at The Weekend Brew!


I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy