
Monday, July 28, 2014

A Permanent State of Mission!

 I've been thinking a lot about what's happening in Gaza. 
God chose to give the Jews His revelation. 
They were and still are His chosen people. 
He has loved them and punished them 
for thousands of years. 
In Jeremiah 1:7, YaHWeH says to them around 600 BC: 
"Reform your ways and your deeds, 
so I may remain with you. I
f each of you deals justly with your neighbor, 
if you no longer suppress the resident alien, 
the orphan, the widow; 
if you no longer shed innocent blood in this place...
I will remain with you in the land I gave 
your fathers long ago and FOREVER."
That's pretty damning for the Jews today. 
Because they are the apple of God's eye (Zech. 2:8), 
and God promised to bless those who bless them 
and curse those who curse them (Gen. 12:3), 
we should "pray for the peace of Jerusalem. 
May they prosper who love you." (Psalm 122:6) 

Jesus told a parable of a man
who sowed good seed in his field.
In spite of this, weeds grew amidst the wheat,
and the servants asked if they should pull up the weeds.
"No," the master answered,
"If you pull up the weeds, 
you might uproot the wheat along with them.
Let them grow together until harvest." (Matthew 13:30)

The reckoning will come.
Not just for the Jews or the Hamas, but for all of us.
God sometimes allows us to do what we please,
but one day, we will be judged.
The Jews rejected Jesus and His teachings.
Let us pray that we will all get to know Jesus better,
and follow Him, so that we will not get caught up
in the Old Testament "an eye for an eye" mentality!
 "The Kingdom of Heaven is like a merchant 
searching for fine pearls. 
When he finds a pearl of great price, 
he goes and sells all he has and buys it." 
Matthew 13:45-46.
Yes, the Kingdom of God is priceless. 
Even if we sell everything we have, 
we can't buy entrance into Heaven. 
But you know what? 
Jesus gave up all His glory and power 
to help us get into the presence of the Father, 
to be part of His family!
When we went to Hanoi, 
we took a tour to a pearl farm. 
The guide showed us that the pearls were hidden 
in these ugly, mud encrusted shells. 
They had to dig into all that muck to find the pearl. 
We too were encased in sin and darkness 
and Jesus was willing to give His life 
to ransom us from that hopeless fate.

We are God's treasure, His pearl of great price 
and He paid for us with the life of His Son! 
Sometimes we take Jesus' great sacrifice for granted, 
but if we only realize HOW MUCH God loves us, 
it would change the way we think and change our lives!

"The Kingdom of Heaven is like
yeast that a woman took and mixed
with three measures of wheat flour
until the whole batch was leavened."
Mt. 13:33

Pope Francis in his pastoral letter,
exhorts all of us, not just the clergy,
to be "in a permanent state of mission."
That wherever we are,
in our places of work, in our school,
our neighborhoods, our organizations,
we should be able, like yeast in dough, to permeate
and affect every environment we are in.

When my mother was alive, she would spend
her Sunday mornings speaking to students
who wanted to interview her about our business
for their school requirements.
After they finished with their questions,
she would say, "Now it's my turn."
She would ask what they believed in, 
and she would tell them about 
God and His good news for all of us.

She would talk about God, not only to students,
but to our suppliers, to BIR examiners
who tried to extort money form us, etc.

When I was young, I would roll my eyes
and think, "Here we go again!"

Now I realize she was merely doing what 
Jesus commanded us to do!

Pope Francis is a good example of 
someone who is permanently on mission.
He calls random people up,
he goes out at night incognito to
feed the hungry,
he joins the Vatican employees for a meal
in their canteen.
So should we too be more creative
in thinking of ways to permeate the world
with God's goodness and faithfulness!!!


  1. Amen to the post. The art is spectacular and You have been very busy. Thank you for sharing this wonderful creative art with us.
    Blessings, Carole Word Art Wednesday

  2. Every single one is so beautiful...The faces speaks volume...Love them. We appreciate you blessing us with a wonderful entry at our Challenge here at Word Art Wednesday. Hope you join us again this week. Leaving you with God's Word in Isaiah 33:2 which says, "O LORD, be gracious to us; we long for you. Be our strength every morning, our salvation in time of distress." Hugs, always!

    JO ANN

  3. Faith-filled words, Patsy. I'm agreeing with you in prayer for God's people. Your artwork continues to bless. Have a blessed week!

  4. I don't know your mother, but I love her! What a powerful testimony she lived by "taking her turn" in the interview! Wise woman! Glad I stopped by and read your thoughts on Gods chosen people. So very true. All of it. Blessings!

  5. Amen and all I can do is pray. Cry out to Our Abba!

  6. Oops hit publish. And ask Him for the grace to be more like your mother.


I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy