
Friday, December 12, 2014

Paint Party Friday: The Ultimate Whisperer

 "Blessed is the man who delights in the law of the Lord...whatever he does, prospers." Psalm 1:1-3

I really am not that good with money, but my mom was. She could really save and make money grow. Although she didn't study anything about it, she listened and learned, and she read the Bible from cover to cover I don't know how many times. There's a lot about money in the Bible, and if we follow what the Bible teaches, we will prosper. That's what it says.

But what is prosperity? I googled it, and I like this definition: "It's a state of flourishing, thriving. Prosperity often encompasses wealth but does include other factors independent of wealth in varying degrees, such as happiness and health."

When we delight, are captivated by, entranced, thrilled, gladdened, take pleasure in the word of God, and meditate on it, reflect, deliberate, contemplate, ruminate, chew on, mull over His law constantly- whatever we do, we will prosper in it!

 A lot of people put down the "prosperity gospel" because it doesn't really give a true picture of the Christian life. But I do believe that if we obey God and His teachings,we will thrive, we will be content, blessed and happy. Because we will have the right perspective about not only money, but things. From reading the Bible, I know that our money, our business, our things are not ours. It's all Gods and we are stewards. We are supposed to use our gifts, talents and resources, and make it grow and do good. If we work with God, anything is possible!

God wants us to be generous with everything we have because He s generous and He wants us to learn to be like Him. And how generous is God? He gave His only beloved Son so that we might have "all things" added unto us (Mt. 6:33). THAT is what prosperity is all about!

 "Fear not, I will help you." Isaiah 41:13

There's a plethora of self-help books out in the market today. Perhaps the first self-help book was written in 1859 by Samuel Smiles, and his first line was, "Heaven helps those who help themselves." Since then, the marketplace has exploded with not only books but support groups, life coaches, counselling sessions, etc. One of the more well known life coaches, Tony Robbins, is called the "CEO Whisperer" because of his high profile clients.

But God is the ultimate "whisperer". Before we go to self-help books or coaches, do we go first to the source of all wisdom and help? Do we quiet down and leave the hustle and bustle of our life, to ask God to walk with us? Do we take the time to talk to Him and ask Him questions? Do we read the instructions in the greatest "self-help" book of all time, the Bible?

Someone said that man knows so much about the cosmos, but is a stranger to himself. And although I know that some self-help books are great, it is a better path to seek FIRST the ONE who created us, who knows us inside and out. We are no stranger to Him!

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  1. Another super post and heart touching image. She is a beauty. Patsy we really appreciate you, for posting art with us this week at Word Art Wednesday. Advent Blessings, Carole
    "Candle of Preparation", Preparation means to 'get ready'. "Help us to be ready to welcome You, O God!" (Luke 3:4-6)

  2. Amen to that sister. An awesome reminder!

  3. Beautiful art and great message. It is something the Lord has been speaking to my heart recently.
    Hugs & smiles,

  4. More gorgeous artwork to share with us. You are so talented and so prolific. LOVE your designs. Thanks again for continuing to share your work with us at Word Art Wednesday. You are always a sought after artist!
    Diane Noble (DT-WAW)


I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy