
Wednesday, July 15, 2015

WOYWW: Burning Me!

 Well here's my messy desk (so what's new???)
I have a couple of filipino postcards on top of the keyboard.
That has to be sent out last week!!!
So delinquent!!!

Then I have a keyboard there because suddenly 
the keys on my laptop don't work!
I think some ants got in and ate the connections (whatever!!!!)
Thank goodness for USB keyboards and for
my husband who knew that could solve my BIG problem!

 "I must go ...and see why the bush is not burned." Exodus 3:3

Isn't it usually God who initiates our call, our mission? Here with Moses, God calls him in the midst of his ordinary work- that of tending the flock of his father Jethro.   We must always be ready, eager to hear God's voice, or to see His working in our life.  I am sure there was nothing particularly special about that bush, but God set it on fire.  

 We can be perfectly happy with our circumstances, comfortable with the status quo, but God can set us on fire too!  We shouldn't say we are not wise, or we don't have a background in theology, or whatever excuses we usually can come up with. Just like Moses, and the twelve disciples, we are apostles, which comes from the Latin "missio", the source of the word "missionary".   We are all missionaries in our mission field- where we live, where we work, where we study, where we spend most of our time.  We can be sure that just as the bush was not consumed while it burned for God, we will not lose anything precious when we give our life to the Lord.  We will gain so much more!

 "It is one of the Hebrews' children." Exodus 2:6
I am thinking that the daughter of the Pharaoh who picked up Moses from the little basket among the reeds must have regretted her disobedience to her father. The Princess adopted him and he grew up with her son. But when he was older, he visited his people, the Israelites, and saw how hard they were forced to work. Eventually Moses delivered his people from the hardness of Pharaoh and the Egyptians. He caused the death of many of her people. She must have felt very bitter toward Moses. She probably labeled him as proud, and an ingrate.

Is there someone we are bitter about? Perhaps we should try to see him through God's eyes. God had a plan for Moses, and if the Princess saved him from the water or not, God would have found a way to fulfill His purpose for Moses. There is something I am praying about today. Something that does not seem right to my eyes. A person I have to see through God's eyes. I want God's plan to be fulfilled. Even if He uses this person I am praying about or not, I just have to trust in God's perfect plan.

Joining the lovely Julia Dunnit for a 
peek at desks and projects!
I find a lot of inspiration
visiting my friends here:



  1. Patsy, love this post and your beautiful works of art...many blessings to you ❤️

  2. Lovely artwork, and I'm so glad you were able to work about the trouble. Who knew ants would do that? #6

  3. Beautiful artwork as usual! And your desk doesn't looked that delinquent to me, lol!! You ought to se mine at the moment :-)
    Hugs, LLJ 12 xxx

  4. ooh oooh I want to see your Philipino postcards!! I love your inspirational quotes and paragraphs, makes me feel so at peace when I visit
    Bridget #10

  5. Ants! You made me laugh! more likely to be a drink, painty water! Thank goodness it wasn't a mouse!!! Beautiful artwork as always Patsy....and yep, in all things computer, I do offer thanks for anyone with calm and more knowledge than me!!

  6. We can only guess what the princess must have been thinking or feeling them. Must be a mixed of crazy emotions. But I think that's how God works. He puts people in our lives and all of them serve a certain purpose. :)

  7. How beautiful! very inspiring :)

  8. Ah wonderful post Patsy, thanks so much for sharing the word, the story of Moses is a story of God's preservation of His people in spite of the attacks by Satan through Pharoah. God cares for His own in ways that are Aust finding out. Love your images and thoughts to point our eyes to Him, happy WOYWW.
    Shaz in Oz.x #19

    {Shaz in Oz – Calligraphy Cards}

  9. Your art always inspires me... just beautiful!


  10. Blessed words this week, special to me as I am struggling with the same problem - I will pray with you and we will 'see through God's eyes'.
    Have a good week
    Bishopsmate #50

  11. Ants! That's a new one - it's usually crumbs, dust and fluff that's at the root of the problem :) Your Filipino cards look attractive and your artwork is beautiful, as usual. Have a good week. Elizabeth x #44

  12. Awesome work Patsy. Love how you used the book to art journal in. Ants in your keyboard? OH no! I may have been blaming my cat for my issues. It has been quite a while since I have participated in WOYWW but decided to this week even if I am a day late posting. Have a great week. Vickie #60


I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy