
Wednesday, September 30, 2015

WOYWW: Of Shibori and Angels and Walls in Need of Rebuilding

 This is what's on my desk this morning.
I am trying something new!
Ever heard of Shibori?
Last night I stayed up till 10 pm
(really late for me!)
because I was tying up some cotton hankies and t shirts.
Later today, I will dye it.
Crossing my fingers I do it right!!!

 "I prayed to the God of heaven and then answered the king..." Nehemiah 2:4

I did not know much about Nehemiah, but when I read what he wrote, I really admired him.  He was the cup bearer of King Artaxerxes, meaning he made sure that the king's wine was not poisoned by drinking it to check it.  When he found out that the people back in Jerusalem were having big problems because the walls were torn down and the gates burned, he wept.  For days he mourned, fasted and prayed. How many times have I done this for my people, for my country, even if I know, we need so much help from God? Never! Most of the time I criticize our leaders, bemoan their lack of vision and get frustrated about the state of our country!

In the 2nd chapter, the king with the tongue twister name asked Nehemiah why he was so sad.  Instead of answering the king right away, Nehemiah stopped to pray, THEN answered the king.  Because of this, the king allowed Nehemiah to go join his people in Jerusalem. The king even wrote a letter to his forest manager to provide timber for the gates, the fortress and Nehemiah's house.  But when Nehemiah started his project to rebuild the walls and the gate, there was so much opposition. Again and again and again, Nehemiah would pray! The laborers would work with one hand, and hold a weapon with the other! Such was the danger they faced! But in spite of their enemies, the wall was finished in 52 days. Then the people held a solemn assembly. They fasted, the Book of the Law was read aloud to them for 3 hours, and then they confessed their sins. After that they dedicated the new wall of Jerusalem with songs of thanksgiving.  

O Lord our God, here I see how You answer prayers, even big prayers! Next year we elect a new President, Vice President, and other leaders. Instead of criticizing or losing hope, help us to humble ourselves, pray and seek Your face, confess our sins and turn from our evil ways. Then You will hear from heaven, and forgive our sin, and heal our land. (2 Chronicles 7:14)
 "The accuser of our brothers is cast out..." Revelations 12:10
In chapter 12 of the Book of Revelation, we are in the middle of a war with a horrible red dragon with 7 heads, his tail big enough to drag down 1/3 of the stars, and we know how big the stars are!!! There's a woman about to give birth, and the Archangel Michael and the angels under his command beat the dragon and his cohorts and they get thrown down!!! Well, no wonder we are in so much trouble here!

In verse 10, it says that this dragon, this ancient serpent, this Satan, accuses us day and night, and it is only by the Blood of the Lamb that he is defeated. If we've ever felt unworthy, defeated, hopeless, guilty, insignificant, overlooked, unloved, unimportant, we know where that mean voice comes from. It is from the devil and his minions, who seek to destroy us. He knows, if we ever know the truth, how important we are in God's eyes, how loved and precious, he will be nothing, even here on earth. There is a spiritual realm around us, more real than this earthly realm with tangible things. That is where the eternal battle for our lives is being waged. We have to arm ourselves with eternal weapons- the Word of God and the Blood of the Lamb, or we will lose to the enemy who so desperately wants to win, that he prowls around us like a lion looking for the chinks in our armor.


  1. Shibori is amazing, I cant wait to see your results, please show us next Wednesday.
    Bridget #1

  2. Patsy, what a brilliant post. We had an election here this Spring and I prayed for a government which would honour God, so although our MP is a Christian, the final result still consists of a very small number of worshipping believers, and a large number who publicly declare that they are atheists and mock believers.
    A very sad state of affairs.
    Bless you for sharing.
    Chris #19

  3. I hadn't heard of Shibori, but am not surprised that there's a 'controlled' sort of tie dying out there, doesnt it look marvellous! Shall wait with bated breath....

  4. Shibori ! something new for me also. Googled it and Like the results. . Happy WOYWW

  5. Beautiful post! but Shibori is a new thing for me, thanks for the introduction to it. I would love to see how they come out :) have fun

  6. I love your art journaling and your comments about Nehemiah. Keep up the good work, sister!

  7. I have never heard of Shibori, but would love to see your results. I enjoyed reading your post about Nehemiah.

  8. Another inspirational post, great art and very brave staying up until 10. I myself am early to bed, early to rise.... The technique looks very messy and time consuming however the results will be lovely I'm quite sure. Thank you so much for taking time to post your very creative art with us this week at Word Art Wednesday in our 203rd AG challenge!
    Blessings and Hugs, Carole

  9. More beautiful and fabulous drawings! Thank you for playing along in the Word Art Wednesday Challenge! Have a blessed day!

    Charity - DT Member - Word Art Wednesday (my personal blog)


I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy