
Saturday, March 18, 2017

Stale Checks!

"How many hired hands at my father's place have more than enough to eat, while here I am starving!" Luke 15:17

We are all prodigal sons and daughters of the God of the universe if we do not realize how much blessing He has in store for His children. Our heritage is immeasurable! We have only to look back through the ages and claim each and everyone of the promises given to Abraham and the sons and daughters of Abraham. We do not have to reinvent how to be blessed, how to do business, how to bring up our children, how to discern God's will, etc. Sometimes we buy and read so many self help books when what we should read again and again is our instruction manual, the Bible. 

One of the stories that impacted me was about an old man found dead and stiff in Central Park one very frigid day. When his pockets were searched to find out his identity, there were several stale checks in them. The man died, not knowing he was rich, that he could have had a family in Christ, that he could have called on His Father and received blessing after immeasurable blessing.  We should make sure we are not like this man and his stale checks. The promises of God are as good as checks that we can encash if we know about it. Let us not die with so many 
stale checks in our pockets! 

Lord, You are good and merciful. May I live knowing You want to bless and prosper me. Thank You for the inheritance we have in You. I want to encash EVERY check in 
my name from You! 

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  1. Anonymous10:31 PM

    Patsy, it is always joy to come here where grace abounds! Your post is a good word - praying for opportunities to help those with those stale checks discover their richness!

  2. Lovely and inspiring.


I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy