
Wednesday, March 29, 2017

WOYWW: Never Forget!

Well, I am putting together all the stuff
I will be bringing to
Art in the Park, the annual art fair
where I sell my paintings.

It will be held this Saturday,
and I think I have enough to sell!
But pricing! That is always a challenge!

I can't bear to part with some of my paintings,
and those are the ones I price rather high! Ha ha! 

I also have some signed art prints,
and some miniature paintings on easels. 
I wouldn't mind having some around 
the house myself!

"Even should she forget, I will never forget you." Isaiah 49:15

This is one of the most poignant verses in the Bible for me. Even if a mother would forget her child, God would never forsake us. Sadly, there are many instances today of mothers killing their own children in the womb, of mothers selling their own children to slavery. It may be inconceivable to us but here in the Philippines and other parts of the world, some mothers are capable of giving young daughters to the sex trade in exchange for money.

We are surrounded by a world gone mad. We need a compass, an anchor, a refuge from the storm raging about us. That can only be God who said He will never forget us, never forsake or leave us. We can depend on Him. We are precious, the apple of His eye, His favored one! When we know this, believe it from the depth of our being, we can laugh at the future, whatever it brings (Prov.31:25).  Without Him by our side, we will be filled with anxiety, and needless worry. 

Lord, when I am weary with disappointment, catch my heart! When trials are too hard to bear, come and carry my burden! Meet me where I am, Father, as You have faithfully promised. Bring healing, bring love, bring peace. Bring whatever it is I need, Lord!

Joining the lovely Julia Dunnit for a 
peek at desks and projects!

I find a lot of inspiration
visiting my friends here:



  1. Wishing you well with your art fair. I totally agree on the Pricing. You have a nice assortment of lovely art. So enjoy a fun day.

  2. Your paintings are so beautiful. Pricing is always hard, but we manage. Good luck. Your post brought tears to my eyes as it is so true. So ugly...but true. Thanks for the inspiration in your art and your words. Dorlene #33

  3. I wish you every success - even for the ones you secretly hope won't sell so you can keep them!! Helen #1

  4. Hi Patsy. Trust Art in the Park goes well this weekend. Your pricing policy is exactly right - the higher the price the more you would like to have it on your own walls. That means that if someone is prepared to pay that price - they too will value it greatly!!
    How wonderful that our Father God will NEVER forget us - He knows us inside out - He knew us in the womb, and we are fearfully and wonderfully made. Hallellujah!
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #29

  5. Have a wonderful time on Saturday and thank you for showing us all your work. It's beautiful
    Lynn 7 x

  6. I'm so late that Art in the Park has taken place already! No doubt you sold loads, and I understand about pricing, but bet you sell yourself short each time, that would be very like you. Its a yearning to share your art with others combined with an underestimation of how wonderful it is!


I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy