
Thursday, May 31, 2018


“My soul magnifies the Lord...” 
Luke 1:46

There is a lot of joy in my heart this morning. I feel like a mother who after 9 months of difficulty, patience, praying, trusting in the Lord, finally gave birth to an awesome baby! I promised the Lord at the start of the year, and even drew it on my vision board, that I would create workshops once a quarter, then once a month, “all for His glory”. 

I held workshops in February, March, and April. 

This May, I became more ambitious, and developed a workshop which was quite challenging. I prayed hard for God’s grace upon me and the participants. Yesterday finally came, and I was expecting 5 participants, and that was totally ok, to have 5 willing “guinea pigs” to practice on! Uh oh, God surprised me. That’s an understatement! There were 22 participants, and some came after traveling for hours from Laguna! A major uh oh! Heebie jeebies in the form of “Is this workshop going to be worth all the time and effort for them?”, “Will they enjoy it?”, and the big one, “Am I up to it?!!!”

But then God and His marvelous faithfulness became concrete for me, when I just enjoyed His gifts, His daughters (and one son), and the moment. Yes, it was challenging for everyone, but how much sweeter is the fruit for having been born after some hardship! 

Mary was a very young girl when God visited her. She held the Creator of all good things in her womb for a little while. She said “yes” to God and never imagined how much blessing it would bring not only her, but the whole world. In a small way, we too can carry Jesus into the world, when we use our gifts, when we say yes to God, when we are brave enough to try for bigger things. God is faithful! God looks with favor upon each of us and has many wonderful things in store! 

Joining the lovely Julia Dunnit for a 
peek at desks and projects!
I find a lot of inspiration
visiting my friends here:



  1. Wow.. this is why I love Workshops so much. Meeting people, feeling their encouragement... inspiring each other and learning (and gaining in confidence for me)

    What a fab post.. I'm glad you are still buzzing from it!

    Hugs from number 7!
    Erika x

  2. Oh well done Patsy, what a marvellous experience for the attendees and for you! Am totally unsurprised by the numbers - I would sign up in a jiffy if I was within reach!

  3. Thanks for sharing more loveliness. Hazel, # 22 x


I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy