
Friday, July 27, 2018

A Hundredfold

“But the seed sown on rich soil is the one who hears the Word and understands it, who indeed bears fruit and yields a hundred or sixty or thirty-fold.” Matthew 13:18-23

Who does not like those returns? A hundred, sixty or thirty percent return? When we buy stocks, especially in today’s climate, we already rejoice with 5 or 10 percent!!! With God, we never lose! Whatever we invest in time, talent, resources and money, He multiplies! 

Yesterday, I gave a workshop entitled, “Wrapped in Prayer”. The participants made a doll to remind them to “wrap everything in prayer”. The journey to my giving workshops started in 2006 when I was dismayed to realize that after praying early in the morning, by 10 am, I could not remember what I prayed about. I could not recall the Bible passages I meditated on.

So I decided to embellish the bible verses with cut outs from magazines. Through the years, the collages became doodles and then I started painting, and now I like painting on my Bible. The seed I planted years ago has indeed returned to me a hundred fold in so many ways. 

I have been enriched by reading and meditating on the Word of God, and I am able to share it around the world through my blog, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. I have even sold some paintings and have given many workshops. An added bonus is I get to “meet” many kindred spirits in cyberspace and share about our lives and pray for each other. Yesterday I enjoyed giving the workshop and getting to know the participants. 

Truly there is so much blessing in the Word! It is like a seed- so much potential, life and energy! If we understand the Word, embed it in the soil of our hearts, it can bear fruit a hundredfold! 

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I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy