
Sunday, November 24, 2019

Christ the King

“This is the King of the Jews.” Luke 23:38

That was the inscription placed over Jesus as he hung on the cross. It was written in Greek, and Latin, and Hebrew. Well might we ask: What kind of a king was he if he could not even get off the cross, could not punish those who put Him there? What kind of a king was he if his crown was of thorns and his robe was torn off him? What kind of a king was he when he did not have any rings but had nails piercing his hands instead? What kind of a king was he when instead of being rich and mighty he was sold for 30 pieces of silver? 

Today is the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus, King of the Universe. I was thinking if I was in His place, and I had all the power at my disposal, would I not punish those that did me harm? When I realize how much of our taxes is being wasted, how much money is being stolen by people in government, if I had the power to punish, would I not use it? How about all the filthy sex traffickers and sick men preying on little children? 

I asked Jesus why He allowed Himself to be punished and He did not retaliate. “My Kingdom is not of this world. Neither is your home.” That is what I sensed Him say. I will have to ponder this deeper, but right now, I think what Jesus is saying to me is I do not have to be so angry. I should not want punishment at all costs for those who do evil. God is working slowly but surely, in His own pace and time, and vengeance is His. He is Christ the King and His ways are different from mine. 


I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy