
Monday, November 25, 2019


“...Jesus noticed a poor widow putting in two small coins into the treasury.” Luke 21:2

It is not only money we can offer the Lord. We can offer Him our time, our resources, our prayers for others, even our hardships and pains. I was listening to Dr. Taylor Marshall and his wife Joy speak about their Advent and Christmas traditions. They have 8 kids and Joy was asked what she does about fasting during advent or lent when she is nursing. She said she can decide to be cheerful instead of complaining and cranky. 

When my dad was in pain I shared with him the story of Saint Therese of Lisieux. She  prayed for the conversion of the triple murderer, Henri Pranzini, while she was on her sickbed of tuberculosis. “I wanted at all costs to keep him from falling into hell, and to succeed I employed all means imaginable, feeling that of myself I could do nothing. I offered to God all the infinite merits of Our Lord.” St. Therese was ecstatic to learn that before Henri was executed in 1887, he took hold of the crucifix the priest was holding out to him, and kissed the sacred wounds three times! 

I am pondering about these things at present because of my health condition. I have so many things to do, and I do not like asking people for help but in my current condition I have to. Even going up the stairs I get breathless and my heartbeat goes up to 105! I have to rest all the time. I sensed God say to me that nothing is ever wasted if offered to Him. Nothing. Our whole life can be a prayer, and we can offer our trials for the conversion of sinners, for healing of the sick, for our families and friends, for our Church and country. Truly, the mercies of God are new every morning! 

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I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy