
Saturday, December 10, 2011

Where are the Prophets?

I have started on two canvases 
after I finished my Hold on to Hope and 

Above is a background for a second
Delight in the Lord.

Here is another work in progress.

Here are drawings from my journal.
Psalm 1 reads:
The law of the Lord is their joy;
God's law they study day and night.

In Sirach 48, it reads:
Like a fire there appeared the PROPHET
whose words were as a flaming furnace.

I am wondering where are the prophets of today?
In the Old Testament, God sent prophets 
to deliver a message that would make people think,
repent of their sins, and turn back to him.
The "fire" of their words were not meant to harm,
but to "burn" away wickedness in their midst
and bring healing.

I think WE are called to be prophets 
in our own milieu.
If we read God's word and delight in it,
we can bring others to know God
and bring peace, love and healing 
to a broken world.

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  1. Nice interpretations in your journal. Love the background in the first painting.

  2. Beautiful colors in the first piece and wonderful work with the hair in the second :).

  3. Hi Patsy, it is so nice to meet you, thanks for stopping by my blog. Did you paint all these things? They are beautiful, I love your use of color. You are a very talented artist.

  4. Wow Patsy! You have been super productive. I love all of your artwork, and the texture in the last is lovely xx

  5. Love the background in the first and the second looks good so far - looking forward to seeing where you take these!

  6. I love your spiritual posts especially your journal spreads. Thank you for your inspiration. Lovely WIPs

  7. Lovely art work!
    Gayle from Behind the Gate

  8. The delight in your gift shines through my friend...

  9. Beautiful work and inspiring words!!! Deb

  10. I love the pieces you have started here! That background is so pretty! I think you are right... we can each bring others to know God in our own ways. Thanks for sharing 'in the studio' this week Patsy!

  11. Love your art and it's refection of scripture. The final piece with the PROPHET is my favorite. The colors and textures are great. Happy PPF!

  12. Beautiful background, and I love the woman in profile in the second one; she's really beautiful

  13. I think you're right about the prophets. He doesn't use them in the same way He did in Bible times - or maybe He does and we just don't recognize them as being prophets. Maybe they are people we know very well. Something to think about. Thank you for sharing.


I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy