
Friday, July 13, 2012

Bear Fruit!

Time for another party!
A different kind where instead of 
imbibing drink and enjoying food,
we are filled up with paints,
and paper, canvases and all sorts of
yummy art!

From my background (top picture)
I had to find a lady with fruit.
At first I thought she would be holding the fruit,
instead she is wearing it on her head!
"Because of Me, you bear fruit." Hosea 14:8
or in the NIV version,
"Your fruitfulness comes from me."

"We are God's garden." 1 Cor.3:9.
He makes sure that all His plants are blooming.
And what does He do to ensure that?
What does any good gardener do?
He prunes His plants!

We bear fruit, we bloom,
because our Gardener prunes us!
Sometimes it is painful,
sometimes we do not understand,
sometimes we cry out, "STOP!"
But our Gardener knows what is best for us!
He wants us to bloom, bear fruit,
grow and blossom!

I am also busy painting ATCs
to give away to you lovely, lovely visitors
who make a comment!

From last week's comments,
the RNG picked Minnemie Murphy!
I sent off her choice of ATC
She was the featured artist in 
and her watercolors are delightful!

Linking with

sneak peek 


  1. "We bear fruit, we bloom,
    because our Gardener prunes us!
    Sometimes it is painful,
    sometimes we do not understand,
    sometimes we cry out, "STOP!"
    But our Gardener knows what is best for us!
    He wants us to bloom, bear fruit,
    grow and blossom!"

    Thank you for sharing this powerful words Patsy. It's a great reminder for me that hardwork, faith and trust are all we need. He loves us and He has always better plans for us little do we know. Have a great day!

  2. Yes, very powerful words. Thank you for that. Love your work. Enjoy your weekend and thank you.

  3. Beautiful painting. It's fun to see what your background becomes, and the message is a good one. Happy PPF!

  4. I like your fruit hatten lady and her colorful background!!! Your ATC heads are quite wonderful too.

  5. It was great to see the image that emerged form that background... and interesting how you worked the scripture into it... xx

  6. Wonderful post and love your woman painting ~ and ATC's ~ your style is very creative and charming ~~ thanks ^_^ (A Creative Harbor)

  7. You've been busy! And I enjoyed seeing all of it.

  8. Patsy, your post today is such a blessing. Love the lady with the fruit in her hair. And your background is wonderful.
    Faye (not back into painting yet)

  9. i loved seeing from start to finish on this one. Lovely work. Happy PPF

  10. Enjoyed your post! Found you through a link-up. I have been meditating on John 15 this week and the importance of remaining connected to the vine. So thankful to receive further encouragement through your insights. God bless you.
    Your pictures are lovely!!

  11. Beautiful words, and a beautiful result. I love the playful way fruit became part of the work!

  12. oh how i love the Lord's perfect timing! just sunday, i heard a mssg about bearing fruit -- & that we can only do that by abiding. at the same time, i've been working on a post {in my head} about our little tomato plant that is much in line with the painful pruning process.

    thanks so much for sharing,

    p.s. i stopped by here as your neighbor from and glad i did! :)

  13. love these! particularly lively and fun!

  14. I LOVE the bear fruit picture! You have such an original way of creating these wonderful pieces!
    Thanks for hooking up with Random Journal Day!

  15. Wonderful layering work. Love the bright colors!

  16. Beautiful fruit hat, very veaniega picture. saludos

  17. Love the hat!!! It looks like one Lucille Ball would have worn on "I LOVE Lucy" .

  18. I definitely see a party taking place. Love the painting. Blessings, Janet PPF

  19. Just had to start following your blog, lobe your work and your atc are very cool

  20. Amen to His pruning, Patsy. Lovely art as usual. Blessings!

  21. Patsy, you're one creative fella. Love your blog cuz it's adorned with all your creative handmades.

  22. I like it when you put it on the head. The fruits coz it should be seen. As christian, the fruits in us should be seen:)

  23. Pasty, your work is so beautiful.
    Thanks for your comment. Following you :)
    care to follow back?

  24. Anonymous2:23 PM

    Great work and great reminder from our Lord! Thank you!

  25. Hi Patsy,
    I love your artwork and inspirational words!
    Thank you for your kind comment on my blog - much appreciated :)
    have a terrific weekend,

  26. Bearing fruit is such a powerful concept. Thanks for the reminder and for your art!

  27. awesome pictures. I wish I could paint but have no ability to do it. YOu definitely have an amazing gift.

  28. You've done it again! Great art and thought provoking post (combined)!

  29. You made the perfect choice for the fruit! Love it!

  30. Indeed we are pruned Patsy! In fact I had a dream a few weeks ago about dead branches being torn off of a tree! Loving your art, and your words of wisdom! Happy PPF! :-)

  31. Beautiful, Patsy. Thanks for sharing again.

  32. Your creations are beautiful; love the pretty colors and the all the detail.
    Thanks so much for visiting my blog and for all your wonderful comments:-)

  33. Ha, another great background which led to beauty! Waiting excitedly for the ATC - thank you!

  34. Hey, thanks for stopping by in my blog :) I appreciate your comments, interesting art pieces, I also paint, you can have a look if you like :) anyway take care then, I followed your blog xxx

  35. I'm definitely a "colorful" lady... and this was lovely to look at and a good lesson to have "planted" in my mind and heart. Thank you.

  36. Yes! He wants us to bloom and bear fruit. What a wonderful, pretty and colorful reminder! Love the fruit on her hat! :)

  37. I got to peek at this on my Blackberry driving home from Maine! But I could not comment until I was home. I hope you never tire of me saying : BEAUTIFUL! Bellisimo! (I think that means beautiful in Italian or ? but not sure!)Have a blessed week. Thank you for this sweet share.


I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy