
Wednesday, April 17, 2013

WOYWW: The Most Priceless Jewel!

"Streams in the Desert", compiled by Mrs. Charles E. Cowman
is one of my favorite books.
My mom has lots of stories 
about how it is so relevant for the person
reading the meditation for a particular day.
So much so that a friend called it a "magic book"!
Once, my mom was praying about the problematic skin
of my younger sister, and when she opened 
the Streams in the Desert,
it had instructions on using aloe vera!!!

On the left of my desk,
I have a pile of paints.
I usually like pastels and so most of the colors
here are light colors.

Today I read in Streams in the Desert about 
a magnificent diamond found in an African mine.
The King of England sent it to Amsterdam to be cut 
by an expert lapidary.
After several weeks of drawing and planning,
the lapidary, made a notch in it, 
and struck a blow with an instrument.
He did the one thing that
 would make the diamond radiant. 

"So sometimes God lets a stinging blow
fall upon your life.
The blow seems an appalling mistake.
But it is not, because you are the most
priceless jewel in the world to God!
And He is the most skilled lapidary
in the universe!"

 Just like St. Stephen (Acts 7:56) and Nathanael (John 1:51),
we too can see the heavens open when we pray.
God loves us so much
that He does not want to withhold any good thing from us!

Every week I choose one wonderful visitor
who leaves a comment
to receive an ATC from me.
I know it takes so much time and effort
to leave a comment
and I appreciate it soooo much!

This week, chose,
#9, Gail of
On May 3, Gail is holding a Friday Blog Party:
a Community Read-athon. 
I'm going to go visit to find out
what that is!

Joining the lovely Julia Dunnit for a 
peek at desks and projects!
I love blog parties!
Won't you join us?
Sometimes I put on my best pajamas 
and party here:



  1. A beautiful devotion Patsy. And your arts are awesome as always.

  2. Your artwork is as always lovely
    I liked the story about your mum opening the book on the Alo Vera page !
    Jackie 13

  3. I love the story of the one blow and how God is making us beautiful. Thank you for your lovely perspective in art and blogging both.

  4. Always a pleasure to visit your blog and great inspirations. Love all your painting and quotes...thank you. :-)
    Janene #8

  5. Love coming here and have really missed my weekly visit.
    Happy WOYWW!
    Tertia #25

  6. what a powerful book that is. I love your journal pages they are so full of thoughts and your images are beautiful
    Have a great WOYWW today and enjoy the rest of your week
    Ria #40

  7. Happy WOYWW!

    Love you work desk, have a great week!

    Amy #79

  8. AMEN!!! How precious and beautiful we are in the sight of our Heavenly Father. What a tremendous blessing to know it is so. Lovely artwork today. The diamond in the Father's hand is beautiful.
    Margaret (glitterandglue #89)

  9. Anonymous8:24 PM

    Just the message I needed to hear today. :) Your blog is always a blessing to me and it always seems to be right in line with what I need to hear. :) Thank you. SueC#97

  10. I love the diamond story. Thank you. Needed to hear that.

    Hope you get a chance to check out my desk.
    Lori #103

  11. I love your journal pages, beautiful!

  12. Thank you for that beautiful inspiration today. Much needed. Happy WOYWW! Sandy Leigh #96

  13. Thank you that is so true, I am going to share this with some of the teen girls I work with. Just beautiful Patsy.

  14. Thank you so much for that inspiration. We are going through a challenging time right now, and right after I read the story, I looked out my window, and saw the most beautiful red bird eating at my feeders. We call the birds purple finches, and I've never had one before. He is the reddest one I've ever seen. Maybe it is a sign.

    Happy WOYWW, Kathi #109

  15. Womnderful post, as always! I love your "heart work" too! Happy WOYWW! Ginny #91

  16. I love your journal pages. Thanks for the spiritual inspiration. Happy crafting #30

  17. Anonymous5:50 AM

    lovely art and that devotion is a great one!!stoppin over from emily! blessings

  18. Beautiful journal page Patsy.

  19. Such beautiful art! So happy that you've joined in community with #TellHisStory. ~ Jennifer Lee


I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy