
Wednesday, April 03, 2013

WOYWW: What I Have I Give!

I woke up late this morning
and this is what greeted me.
I was painting backgrounds last night
as my stack was getting low.

Well, when I wake up late and I do not have much time to 
figure out a drawing,
I trace over one of my backgrounds.
And then I paint it. 
Today I read about how the disciples Peter and John
in the Book of Acts, Chapter 3,
went to the temple and saw a crippled man begging.
"I have neither silver nor gold,
but what I do have
I give to you."
Acts 3:6

A lot of times we think that if we only had money,
we would be happy.
But that's not really true, is it?
If you search "lotto winners what happened to them",
it will lead you to a lot of tragic stories
of broken relationships, lawsuits, losing friends, etc.
It's not money that makes a good life.

Well most of us have neither silver nor gold,
and sometimes when somebody asks for alms,
we think we have nothing to give.
But is this true?
Maybe we can look at what we have and give that.
My husband seldom gives money to beggars.
He prefers to talk to them.
It gives them dignity he says.
He knows their names, knows their parents
because he talked to them too!
I usually don't talk to beggars
but I buy them food, never giving money
which would go to alcohol, rugby
or cigarettes.
But what about our friends, officemates, neighbors?
They may not be begging for alms,
but surely there is something we have that we can give them!

Encouragement, a smile, a helping hand,
a listening ear, company, prayers,
a cup of coffee, a joke to make them laugh,
an offer to babysit?

How about sharing one of God's promises?
"For the promise is made to you and to your children
and to all those far off,
whomever the Lord will call."
Acts 2:39
Yes God's promises are for all of us,
but sometimes we forget!
Let's share what we have!

Every week I choose one wonderful visitor
who leaves a comment
to receive an ATC from me.
I know it takes so much time and effort
to leave a comment
and I appreciate it soooo much!

This week, chose,
Laura is a wonderful writer!
Go check out her blog
and be blessed! 

Joining the lovely Julia Dunnit for a 
peek at desks and projects!
I love blog parties!
Won't you join us?

Sometimes I put on my best pajamas 
and party here:



  1. What lovely backgrounds you have to work on today, so many and such lovely colors. love your lady that you drew today..
    Sandy :) #16

  2. thanks for sharing your gorgeous makes with us today Patsy...Happy WOYWW...hugs kath (23) xxx

  3. such beautiful pages and thoughts for all of us to ponder

    Enjoy your WOYWW sunny day today
    Ria #33

  4. Your backgrounds look just great
    Your artwork is lovely
    Thank you for sharing
    Jackie 8

  5. Wow, I love your backgrounds - and what a great idea having a stash of them to dip in to - that's something I shall definitely have to do!
    Have a great week,
    Diana #63

  6. LOVE your work, just BEAUTIFUL!!! Always food for thought...thank you. Happy WOYWW>
    Janene #13

  7. Everytime I come to your blog I always wonder why I couldn't be as talented! I love your art work. It is amazing. Happy woyww!

  8. A beautiful and inspiring post. Blessings. Kate x #41

  9. Hi Patsy! I started following you some time ago, because I loved immediately the simplicity and honesty and beauty of your art. I haven't left a comment as yet, to tell you this...but today I am, finally telling you how I love the simplicity and honesty of your art. Thank you for it. Norma, x

  10. Oh dear, where did it go, pressed and it vanished! Never mind, Great backgrounds/pages and journals! Have a great crafty week!
    HaPPy WoYwW!!
    ((Lyn)) was #52 now 51!!

  11. What beautiful work! I am so enjoying visiting blogs shared on the WOYWW group! In fact, that is all I've done this dark rainy afternoon in hop!!!! Thanks for sharing!!!
    Debbie from DayLee's Creative Doodling... #140

  12. Dear Patsy
    This is the way to give, dear one! From a heart filled with love and you are sooooo right; we all have something to give. I was just thinking of a man allowing a woman to walk through a door ahead of him. Visiting via Blogging Brooks.

  13. Patsy,
    This is like a walk in a beautiful palace for me. Your work is Royalty art .
    Thank you for sharing your wonderful artwork with us this week.
    Carole Robb Bisson
    Word Art Wednesday
    The Blessing of the LORD be Upon You!

  14. What a gorgeous background and lovely painting. Thanks so much for sharing your talents with us.
    Word Art Wednesday

  15. G'day Patsy
    Its only my second week doing WOYWW. I'm late again as I have had a few huge busy days and just had no time to get to the computer. As well as when Julia posts the WOYWW post I am at work and its already in the evening here on Wednesday by then LOL. Even so here I am at your lovely desk all your art fresh and bright.
    Annette In Oz #74


I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy