
Friday, May 10, 2013

Paint Party Friday: Open Doors

"When a woman is in labor,
she is in anguish
because her hour has arrived;
But when she has given birth to her child,
she no longer remembers the pain
because of her JOY
that a child has been born into the world."
John 16:21

I remember that I was quite anxious 
when I was pregnant.
I was 38 years old
and it was my first (and only) time to be pregnant.
I was worried that my baby might
 not have the right number of fingers,
and all sorts of things like that.

But I felt the Lord reassuring me.
"When you hold your child in your arms,
you will know how much I love you."
Yes the JOY of holding your child in your arms
after nine months of waiting,
and a few hours of labor

Jesus was comparing His having to leave His disciples
after the Last Supper, and His agony on the Cross
 with the waiting and the anguish that a mother experiences 
during labor.
The cost cannot be counted against the JOY
that was coming when He would 
appear to them in the flesh again.

Do we experience the JOY of knowing God?
Do we open doors for Him wherever we go,
whenever we can?

As a mother, we have the unique opportunity
to share our joy in our Father's love
with our children.
Happy Mother's Day to all the
wonderful mothers and grandmothers out there! 

Preparing ATCs for sending out!

Every week I choose one wonderful visitor
who leaves a comment
to receive an ATC from me.
I know it takes so much time and effort
to leave a comment
and I appreciate it soooo much!

This week, chose
#26, Margaret, who does not have a blog
and neither does she have an email address
on her profile page.
So Margaret, if you happen upon this,
please send me your snail mail address
so I can send your ATC off to you!

Thank you for dropping by!
You are appreciated!


  1. I remember holding my children for the first time after birth. My desire now is to wake up each morning and be held by the Lord before I begin my day. Blessings to you! Love Rachael @ inking the heart

  2. Your art is a blessing to me every single time, Patsy. Your love for the Lord shines through your art and your posts. LOVE this.
    Word Art Wednesday

  3. Lovely post and perfect for Mothers day this weekend. Happy PPF

  4. Beautiful paintings. Have a wonderful weekend.

  5. Your artwork is beautiful and the words you choose about the Lord and for the mother are so fitting.

    I linked up after you on TGIF with Gail. I am linking up right after you.

  6. loving your beautiful artwork. Happy PPF, Annette x

  7. Happy Mothers Day and lovely art as always.HPPF!

  8. Anonymous11:16 PM

    What a beautiful Mother's post. Happy PPF

  9. lovely post and timely with Mother's Day being here this weekend... love the artwork this week....xx

  10. your ladies look so serene this week. Their expressions are perfect.

  11. Hi Patsy,

    What a lovely post .
    I remember my two kids' birth very well. I was 33 when my son was born and three years later my daughter was born. Each pregnancy came with the same worries filling my mind as you had and each delivery was a c -section; imagine what that would have meant in the old days, I was very lucky indeed.I enjoy being a mom!
    Thanks for sharing your beautiful art and words with us on this special weekend.

    Happy Mother's Day to you as well.
    Annabelle O,O

  12. Beautiful for mother's day. Thanks so much for sharing!!

  13. Lovely post and beautiful paintings! <3

  14. Anonymous9:04 PM

    I love your work. I also live to open doors
    to God for others every day.

    Happy Mothers Day!
    Marilyn Lamoreux

  15. Happy Mother's Day! God bless!

  16. thank you for these uplifting verses, especially on this day set aside for us moms. i have shared them with a friend who's also having her firstborn at the ripe age of almost 40. god bless & continue to shine your light, patsy --babeth B-)

  17. Love your paintings :) those kind expressions! Happy SATS ♥ Conny

  18. Dear Patsy, thank you for sharing your beautiful art and lovely thoughts on Motherhood -& givjbg birth - refflecting on Christs love for us ~ the pain anticipating the coming joy! Happy Mothersday to you!

  19. Oh, I love love love the painting of the expectant mother!

    Also love your beautiful lettering, as well as the wonderful words--

  20. The agony and pain is just beginning. I wish I could take the pain away from my grown children but I also realize it's God's way of teaching us lessons we need to learn to grow in Him. Beautiful art and Beautiful blog. Blessings, Janet PPF


I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy