
Wednesday, June 05, 2013

WOYWW: A Nail at a Time

Not a great start to my first WOYWW post 
after our 4th anniversary!
I am "painting" on my bed 
as I am stuck here with a bad cough :^(
I have discovered the use of watercolor pencils 
as I didn't want to make a mess on my bed.
I also used a flesh colored Coptic marker 
which made a lot of dirt on Sarah's face.
That is just right, as Sarah is a miserable girl!

Sarah is the daughter of Raguel 
in the book of Tobit in the bible.
The poor girl, she got married 7 times!
Every time, before the couple
even consummates the marriage, 
a wicked demon kills off her husbands!
Sarah intends to hang herself, 
but thinks how awful that would be
for her father. 
She then spreads her hands, and facing the window,
poured out this prayer:
"Blessed are you, O Lord, merciful God!
Forever blessed and honoured is Your holy name!"
May all your works forever bless you! "

When we have the world against us,
are we going to praise God or curse Him?
I am reading 1000 Gifts by Ann Voskamp, a lovely lady.
There are a lot of lessons in it about how
thanksgiving precedes miracles and is life changing.

"Life changing gratitude does not fasten to a life
unless nailed through with one very specific
nail at a time."
She starts counting her blessings,
taking pictures of the moon, and soap suds, etc.
Her heart changed and she invites her readers
to change with her.
I downloaded her app and have started
my own 1000 gifts-counting,
even though I already have a countdown in my journal.
She is like a hunter on the hunt for things to
appreciate and be thankful for.
A great idea, I think!

Every week I choose one wonderful visitor
who leaves a comment
to receive an ATC from me.
I know it takes so much time and effort
to leave a comment
and I appreciate it soooo much!

This week, chose #7,
Christine who enjoys sketching
and a good laugh! 

Joining the lovely Julia Dunnit for a 
peek at desks and projects!
I love blog parties!
Won't you join us?
Sometimes I put on my best pajamas 
and party here:
Count Your Blessings



  1. Sorry you are poorly, get well soon! Helen, 5

  2. Ouch - a nasty cough - not so good - but I see a blessing here.... discovering watercolour pencils. Enjoy them - and get well soon.
    How true that thanksgiving and praise must come first - just what we were trying our best to say during our week of prayer last evening. Not always easy, but right.
    Margaret #30

  3. Hi Patsy
    wishing you better real soon it is horrible when you have a bad cough it makes the rest of your body hurt.
    Loving your paintings and the message is another good one
    Wishing you a very happy WOYWW and hope you have a great week
    Ria #40

  4. Hi there,
    Just popping in briefly, I'm supposed to be mowing the lawn!
    Still, this is a better way to spend the morning in my opinion.
    Hope you feel better soon.


  5. I love your question, "When we have the world against us, are we going to praise God or curse Him?" If we're not praising Him in the day-to-day, it's certainly not going to happen in times of trouble!

  6. Hope you feel better soon.
    Sandra @53

  7. I love these things you've shared today. I'm sorry you aren't feeling well. Hope you'll be up and around soon. But thanks for sharing these lovely images from your "sickbed"
    : )

  8. What a talent you have for painting! She turned out lovely. I am in awe you would try working in bed (as I am a mess, so I know I can't do anything but read there..) I had not heard that story before. I was widowed when I was 40 and remarried at 44, but that poor woman! Winnie#79

  9. Beautiful work, Patsy. I especially like the "law of the Lord" one. What a sweet face!

  10. Feel better soon and have to love watercolour pencils to keep your space neat :) hugs Nikki 2

  11. What beautiful artwork you create!! I love it! I do hope that you're feeling better and that your cough is completely gone!

    Thank you so much for the link up on my blog and for mentioning me in your post. I'm so blessed! I will be back to read more of you blog - I love it!

    Many blessings - Julie

  12. Anonymous4:55 AM

    Your work is always amazing!... I love all your ATC'S

  13. Lovely drawings. Hope you feel better soon.

  14. Lovely artwork.
    Karen #38

  15. I am so sorry you are sick in bed. I must say that I absolutely LOVE this post. I would love to read that book, I have heard about it before. What beautiful art you have created to go with it. Gorgeous.
    I wanted to let you know about what I am involved with. It is called "MADE Course", it is a group of 12 Christian artists who have come together to create a Creative Christian community. In September the e-courses begin, registration is open now. Please go to my blog to learn more. We would love to have you join. Hugs and blessings.

  16. i can't believe you still paint when you are sick! i hope you are able to take a true break friend and recover. what a gorgeous piece of art. i love how you left the words behind her. bless you.

  17. Hello my sweet friend, Patsy in the Philippines. I hope this finds you doing well. Your art is always such a blessing to me, and I'm just SO blessed that you share your lovely creations and encouraging words in our challenges. May God bless your days with His goodness and His love just as you have blessed us!
    Word Art Wednesday

  18. I am so sorry you feel yucky. Hopefully you will have had time to feel God's presence and relax in His care.
    I love to paint too and think I would do that if were sick as well.

  19. What a wonderful idea to do your artwork on your bed since you are not feeling well. Your art didn't suffer any as it is still just as beautiful!! Get feeling better and thanks for linking up over at WholeHearted Home this past week.

  20. Beautiful words and beautiful pictures. May we always praise Him, even in the hard. I hope you feel better soon.

  21. Hi Patsy. Get well soon. Yes you have to stay creative so that you can get well very soon. Love your drawing, but then I always love your work. Take care of yourself.

  22. Enjoyed your read today Patsy! Lovely page! Happy WOYWW! ♥ Sue Kment

  23. Fabulous drawing in spite of not feeling well, and such a lot of lovely atc's, you've been really busy! Hope you feel better soon. I've had my cough now for nearly two years and they now say, 'live with it' (nice!) but it is a lot better, certain 'smells start it I keep away from them!! Happy Late woyww!
    ((Lyn)) somewhere near 52#

  24. Hope you're feeling better soon. Good on you for creating lovely pieces despite feeling under the weather!


I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy