
Wednesday, June 19, 2013

WOYWW: Practice Makes Perfect!

I was surprised to see my desk looking so neat this morning!
Ha ha, I can imagine some of you shaking their heads,
and saying, "This is neat?????"
Well, for me it is!

Look what's underneath my table, by my feet,
when I am working!!!!
This is where I get bits and pieces of paper
for my collages.

Here is how I start with my paintings.
I usually draw the design on a scrap piece of paper.
Then I use carbon paper to trace it on to one of my backgrounds.

Today the verse I read is from 2 Corinthians 9:6-
"Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly,
and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully."

I am sure most people would like to reap bountifully!
What is the secret to reaping bountifully?

God's economy is soooo different from the world's economy.
His ways are the total opposite, I'd say!
It's not just about money, it's also about time!
We have to be generous with whatever we have-
even our words!
ESPECIALLY with those who cannot pay us back!

How can I start today, to plant seeds of love
in the hearts of those I meet?
May I be sensitive to the needs of others,
and not withhold my time, my money, 
my encouragement and praise,
my service, my home....

Yes! Practice makes perfect!
How do you intend to practice love today?

Every week I choose one wonderful visitor
who leaves a comment
to receive an ATC from me.
I know it takes so much time and effort
to leave a comment
and I appreciate it soooo much!

This week, chose
#4, Peggy Gato of 
Peggy's Mixed Up Art!
Take a look at her amusing photo collages.


  1. Your blog posts feel like heart-food.

  2. Food for my soul:)

  3. I just love your paintings, so inspirational. happy crafting #26

  4. And YOU are one of the most generous people I know. Lovely art, and such a thrill to see how you start your paintings. Happy WOYWW from # 17.

  5. Thanks for sharing how you start a project. Happy WOYWW! Nan G #3

  6. I was fascinated to see how your painting come into being, and it wasn't how I expected it to be at all!! Happy WOYWW from Annette #9

  7. how lovely to see your work progress, and the art building up. have a good week. Helen 31

  8. Your desk isnt messy, its very creative lol
    Bridget #1

  9. Fascinating art process. And love the remote wrapped in cellophane - in case you're over zealous with the paint I suppose?! Love that, really makes me smile!

  10. Wow! Thank you so much for sharing how you do your art. It's fascinating to see different people's processes and yours is so interesting and full of life and meaning. Julie Ann xx #68

  11. Hi Patsy
    yes your desk is tidy for you but then your desk is a very creative desk and just look at these fantastic journal pages
    Have a great WOYWW and enjoy the rest of your week
    Ria #47

  12. Your lady is beautiful and thanks so much for sharing all the steps to your wonderful end art.
    Happy WOYWW
    Sandy :) #59

  13. what a beautiful painting she is so stunning thank you for sharing the stages with us all,it's amazing to see how it progresses each time ,true works of art and I look forward to coming back to see more. I hope you have a wonderful week

  14. Hi, I'm your swappartner for the ATC stardust swap (lifebook). I tried to send you a message there but maybe it didn't work... Do you still want to swap? Will you please contact me then? Thank you!

  15. Hi Patsy - have been seeing your ATC's round and about - just lovely - Happy WOYWW... Mxx #110

  16. Stunningly beautiful! And yes, we reap what we sow and our reward will be in Heaven. Thanks for sharing Scripture using it to inspire a beautiful painting!

  17. I'm glad to have discovered your blog - your art is fabulous and I'm really impressed with your organizational skills! Don't think I'll be showcasing mine any time soon:)
    Also, love the butterfly effect post!

  18. Patsy, these are lovely as always! You would be so proud of me- I am doing the icad challenge at Daisy Yellow...I even bought some paints to try! You inspire me and I can't wait to show you something special...when I come up with it! lol. Maybe I will try to do a little Patsy tribute card ! THanks for being you. Hugs!

  19. Wow Patsy I love to see other people's craft processes! Your paintings are beautiful and your blog inspiring
    Have a happy week
    Lynda B #41

  20. Patsy, I especially liked the part of your blog that said we need to be generous with our "words." I've never heard generosity and words linked up. But it speaks to me of the generous love we need to give others through our words.

    Your artwork is beautiful. I love looking at it.


  21. What a lovely serene images you paint. I love the way the background becomes the pattern on the dress. Found you through Ivy And Elephants.

  22. I look forward to visiting your site every week. As well as being greeted by beautiful paintings and drawings, I enjoy reading your teachings, the calm feeling of serenity is palpable. You have a good soul. Thanks for sharing another beautiful picture this week, have a great week - Lucy #34 x

  23. Oh, my goodness! I LOVED seeing your creative process!! Just a total blessing seeing your wonderful painting! It's so beautiful!!

    I have a question - are you using acrylics on watercolor paper? I love the way this looks!

    Thank you for linking up on my blog. Another blessings for me this week!! :)

    Blessings - Julie

  24. Hello Patsy,

    What beautiful artwork!
    You are a very blessed artist.

    Thank you for sharing your work
    with us.

    Bear Hugs,

  25. A lovely painting, Patsy. Yes, generosity of spirit - it reaps so many beautiful things.
    Margaret #100

  26. oh friend, this REALLY spoke to me. thank you. as always, your post and painting moved me.

  27. This is so beautiful, seeing the evolution of your artwork and the way God speaks to you on the page. Glorious!

  28. Beautiful project.

  29. What beautiful artwork. I love the faces of all the women. Gorgeous.


I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy