
Monday, July 22, 2013

Just Show Up!

Why did Jesus choose Mary Magdalene?
He appeared to her first, after
His resurrection!
She was His first witness.

Because she was there!
She went to His tomb early to 
serve Him, to anoint His dead body 
according to Jewish tradition.

Perhaps we think we are not capable,
we are not talented, not gifted enough
to serve God,
but God will meet us where we are.
If we show up, if we make ourselves available,
He will use us!
Everyone else was hiding for all sorts of reasons.
Sometimes we hide, too!
We are afraid, timid, shy, not confident enough!
But if we come out of hiding,
and say, "Here I am, Lord, use me!',
what do you think will happen?

Here's another Mary,
the sister of Martha and Lazarus.
This story teaches us that
it's not enough to constantly 
DO things for God,
we need to spend time to BE with Him!

We can't say, "Here I am, Lord, use me!"
and not STOP TO LISTEN to Him! 

But you, know, God loves us so much,
we are precious in His eyes,
whether we are timid or brave,
impetuous or cautious,
angry or loving....

Just show up, just as you are!
And God in His infinite mercy
and understanding will use you,
with all your weaknesses, idiosyncracies,
I know, because He uses me ALL the time,
and I see miracles!!!!

Every week I choose one wonderful visitor
who leaves a comment
to receive an ATC from me.
I know it takes so much time and effort
to leave a comment
and I appreciate it soooo much!

This week, chose
#47, Julie of More of Him,
who left a comment last Wednesday.
Unfortunately, I could not access
her profile nor find her email!
Anyone know this precious lady?
She left such a sweet comment on my blog!
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  1. Your post today really touched me. Thank you. Your art is exquisite!

  2. Hi Patsy, this is really inspiring. Indeed, we just have to show up!

    By the way, do you conduct art workshops? I would love to join. Tin of, Manila

  3. He chose her because she was there. Love this! It's a message I preach to myself off--just show up. Thanks for sharing this.

  4. Great post and so encouraging! I love that God uses us no matter how qualified we think we are!

    Blessings, Joan

  5. Hi Patsy! I am visiting from Hear it on Sunday.

    Your art is amazing. ( Do you sell it anywhere??) And funny enough, I wrote on Mary and Martha today on my blog. I think we are blog-twins today :)

    I love the idea of just showing up. God will equip if we will only decide to be present. Like you do on your blog!

    Thank you for filling me up today!

    Happy Monday!

  6. Anonymous2:12 AM

    This is so beautiful and the illustrations are so stunning. Visiting from Misc. Monday.

    marie Angelique

  7. Thanks for sharing your project with us at Word Art Wednesday!

  8. Beautiful paintings! The theme that went along with them is so true, too! If we just show up, God will do His work in us...simple as that!!!
    Have a blessed week!
    Ann @ Christ in the Clouds (

  9. I will try to find Julie of More of Him and let her know to contact you :-)

    Beautiful heartfelt post. Thank you so much for being so faithful in linking up each week over at WholeHearted Home.


I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy