
Wednesday, September 25, 2013

WOYWW: Each of Us is a Church Builder!

Here's some activity on my desk from last night.
I am changing the background of a clock I got for free
from a drugstore.

The clock is on the left, the painting I am starting
is in the middle. 
The heart shaped can on the bottom right
holds the screws and clock hands.

On the top right is a brochure my brother Robert
designed for some lifestyle homes in Tagaytay,
a nice cool place in the mountains.

I cleared all that away, by piling them on top
of books and stuff (!!!)
and started my painting for today.

After drawing her, I traced her with carbon paper
on to a prepared background.

"He has given us NEW LIFE
to raise again the house of our God
and restore the ruins..." Ezra 9:9
Ezra, the prophet is speaking here,
about how the temple of Jerusalem was ruined
and the people sent captive to Babylon
by Nebuchadnezzar.
BUT God used King Cyrus to bring back
the people and to REBUILD the temple!

It is a time of grace, of NEW LIFE, of starting over!

God spoke to St. Francis of Assisi 
from the cross of San Damiano to
 "Go and repair my house which is falling into ruins".
Francis started to repair the little dilapidated chapel,
after selling his father's silk and buying stones.
Later, Francis realized that God 
meant not the physical church,
but the spiritual church, 
which was in worse shape then
than it is now!

Do we realize that each of us is 
called to be a church builder
just as St. Francis was called?

What are the gifts we have that can help
build the church?
We can be lectors, fix the flowers,
help in the livelihood and medical 
programs of our church.
We can also love the people Jesus loves-
the poor, the prisoners, the sick,
the hurting, and be Christ to them.

Every week I choose one wonderful visitor
who leaves a comment
to receive an ATC from me.
I know it takes so much time and effort
to leave a comment
and I appreciate it soooo much!

This week, chose
 #43, Connie who is a woman of 
many talents!
She is so creative with her sewing machine
and her guitar


  1. Patsy, the artistic talent in your family never ceases to amaze me. Love your art and your brother's style as well!

    Happy WOYWW from #2!

    Create With Joy

  2. Beautiful paintings. I love the scripture you used. happy crafting #5

  3. oh wow, your art work is just amazing, you are a talented family!
    Debxx #4

  4. You have the most amazingly talented family. We are all called to take part in the great commission, you do it so beautifully
    Sandra @12

  5. I love your artwork! And really enjoyed hearing about Francis tonight. And I'm really cracking up at the twirling woman on the side bar as I type this comment. That is hysterical.

  6. Beautiful artwork. Your brothers brochure is fab. Happy WOYWW! Nan G #7

  7. Yes. We are church builders. And we have to build ourselves too being the temple of God
    Have a nice week.

  8. I so love the beautiful pictures you create to pair with scripture. They speak to me and touch my heart!

    Hope your Wednesday is absolutely wonderful!!

    Lynn #20

  9. I am so in awe of your talents! Your artwork is fantastic.

    Thanks for sharing and have a great week.

    Hugs Candace

  10. Love the clock altering... and your borther is a talented artist too! What a family... Happy WOYWW Helen 14

  11. Your space is always a treat to see so many beautiful works and your brother is very talented :)
    hugs Nikki 37

  12. What a lovely site your brother has - tell him to keep up the good work and try to find time to update us all..... Thank you for sharing his site with us.
    Looking forward to seeing the finished clock.
    have a good day
    Bishopsmate #45

  13. you are such a talented family, thanks for sharing Donna #53

  14. I love the reminders you post...and the art in progress...I agree with Ramona- you and your family are amazing and a blessing to the Universal Body of Christ!

  15. clearing up by making another pile - ah Patsy, all so familiar! This prepared background thing works so amazingly well for your art, I just can't get enough of it. And your brother's design is amaaazing.

  16. Your brother's brochure is stunning--and I love your artwork today. I still feel blessed just to have one of your ATCs! A time of grace and new life is the perfect mantra for this week! Happy WOYWW! Sandy Leigh #88

  17. Talent truly runs in your family Patsy! Can't wait to see how the clock will turn out!

  18. Oh what, what beautiful inspiring work! Thanks for sharing!
    Kate #85

  19. wow - fabulous work and seems like everyone is talented and inspiring in your family!

  20. So much to look at here. How inspiring. Peg R #99

  21. What a blessing to wake up this morning and to see that Word Art Wednesday's Entries #1 and #2 for the new challenge were Patsy & Peggy. Your art is always SUCH a blessing and encouragement to me. You both make me smile, and give praise to the Lord. May God bless your week and pour out all His richest blessings on you!
    Word Art Wednesday

  22. Always such a treat coming here to visit you and see your lovely artwork. Thanks for mentioning that you used carbon paper to trace your design. I wondered how you did that. I confess that I forgot that carbon paper existed.

  23. Your art work is beautiful. April #21

  24. I always love your artwork. Thanks for sharing with us at our Thursdays Favorite Things Blog Hop.

  25. I agree we all are, with our gifts and talents, a little here and a little there we can make the Church of Christ and envy in the world.

  26. So beautiful!! Your whole family is so blessed with amazing talent! I love the brochure your brother did! I love coming by and seeing what you've done - it just inspires me and blesses my heart so much!

    Many blessings - Julie

  27. Thanks so much, Patsy, for sharing your artwork on WholeHearted Home's linkup party this past week. I shared it to Pinterest :-)


I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy