
Monday, December 23, 2013

Are you an Elizabeth?

When Zechariah was told by an angel
in the first chapter of Luke
that he and his wife Elizabeth
would have a son,
Zechariah did not believe
because they were both sooo old.

The angel said, "Now you will be mute until
the promise will be fulfilled."
When what the angel foretold took place,
Zechariah's tongue was loosened
and he started praising God.

With two more days till Christmas,
we need to be like Zechariah
and spend some quiet time
pondering what God has done 
and is doing for us.
Then, in gratefulness,
like Zechariah, we too
will praise God!
Mary was found with child
through the Holy Spirit. Matthew 1:18
No one ever felt like Mary did
after the visit of the angel!
I guess at first, she would think,
"Did it really happen?
Can it happen?
And to me of all people?
I'm just a peasant girl
living in a backwoods place!
Why would I be chosen?"
But God chooses where and who He wills.
He chooses not because we are smart,
or influential, or strong.
But He chose Mary,
and He chooses you and me!

"Blessed are you who believed
that what was spoken to you by the Lord 
would be fulfilled."Luke 1:45
Elizabeth, the wife of Zechariah,
said this to Mary when Mary visited her
to share with her the "good news".

Don't we all need Elizabeths in our life?
Someone to share with,
someone who will support us,
love us in spite of our idiosyncracies
or strange happenings in our life?
Someone who will say,
"Blessed are you!"

But even more important,
are we Elizabeths to those who need 
an Elizabeth? 
Every week I choose one wonderful visitor
who leaves a comment
to receive an ATC from me.
I know it takes so much time and effort
to leave a comment
and I appreciate it soooo much!

This week, chose
of Wholehearted Home.
Visit Judith for some 
heartfelt wisdom and ideas.


  1. Your artwork is geourgeous and even more, a blessing and encouragement. I do not know which I love more, your text or the pictures.
    Thank you for the message. You truly are an Elizabeth, with a talent given by God.
    God Bless You! I'm looking forward to more blogposts from you :)

  2. Blessings and Merry Christmas!

  3. Ah yes...some quiet and time to contemplate the Savior's birth! I am inspired by your artwork and hope to do some creating this week as my schedule is slowing down with some much needed time to rest in His presence!

  4. Thank you for reminding me to be quiet during this busy season it takes a concerted effort to spend time with GOD and not hohoho him out of Christmas. Its about our SAVIOR

  5. I love your artwork! :-) And I love these thoughts - that we can all learn from Mary's obedience and faith, and from Elizabeth's joyful encouragement.

  6. The Christmas story is just full of so many great lessons. Thanks for sharing the story.
    Heidi’s Wanderings

  7. Patsy,
    Coming here is like a refreshing from the world. Great rendition of Zechariah. When our lips are loosed may we speak the Blessing of God. Thank you for joining us today at Word Art Wednesday with your fabulous art.
    Advent Blessings of Hope, Peace and Joy,
    Carole Robb Bisson

  8. Patsy, I received the beautiful ATC card this morning and will treasure it always. Thank you. I posted it on my blog.
    Merry Christmas my friend, Carole

  9. Many great images in this post, Patsy! Love every single one of them and your drawing is fabulous. So glad you joined us at Word Art Wednesday this week. A Blessed CHRISTmas to you and leaving you with the Word of God in 2 Thessalonians 2:16-17 which tell us, "May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and by his grace gave us eternal encouragement and good hope, encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good deed and word." Hugs, always!

    JO ANN

  10. Hmmm...I've never thought of being Elizabeth to others. I hope I am/could be! I have an Elizabeth in my life, thank you God!


I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy