
Monday, January 06, 2014

I Give You My HeART!

"Great crowds from Galilee,
the Decapolis, Jerusalem, and Judea,
and from beyond the Jordan,
followed Him." Matthew 4:25

I don't think it comes as a surprise that
great crowds followed Jesus!
He was full of wisdom and spoke
with authority, 
He made the blind see
and the lame walk,

 and He was full of love and compassion!

Jesus wants that for us as well.
If we spend time with Him,
getting to know Him and His ways,
we will become more and more like Him,
filled with love and compassion.

"We have found the Messiah!" John 1:41
Can you imagine how exciting it was 
for the Jews to find Jesus after 
years and years of waiting for the Messiah? 
To find the One their hearts longed and yearned for? 
Are we just as excited today? 
God, the One who made us,
 loves us so much that He came as a little child, 
 walked the streets, cried, laughed, suffered, 
so that we might one day join Him in His Kingdom. 
If we could wrap our minds around this truth, 
 our lives would change forever!
 Just as Paul's life, just as His disciples' lives,
just as so many countless saints' lives changed!

Yesterday was the Feast of the 
Epiphany of the Lord, 
when Jesus' divine nature was revealed. 
came and gave Jesus gifts of gold (for His Kingship),
 frankincense (for His being God), 

 In some cultures, gift giving during 
the Christmas season is done on 
the Feast of Epiphany, 
and I was thinking of what I could give Jesus. 
I remembered Matthew 25:40, which reads, 
"The King will answer and say to them,
 'Truly I say to you, to the extent that 
you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, 
even the least of them, you did it to Me.'" 
So it's easy in a way to give Jesus a gift, 
 especially here in the Philippines, 
where so many are in need!

But we have to give with our love, 
because "the gift without the giver is bare" :
"The Holy Supper is kept, indeed,
In whatso we share with another's need,—
Not that which we give, but what we share,—
For the gift without the giver is bare;
Who bestows himself with his alms feeds three,—
Himself, his hungering neighbor, and me."
James Russell Lowell



  1. Thank you for blessings us with your gifts!

  2. So cool....thanks for sharing your talents!!!!!

  3. Beautiful art and thoughts to share! I love the picture titled "We have found the Messiah!" :-)

  4. That's a powerful portrait of Jesus, as are the the words in your post. Congratulations on being featured at Ramona's Inspire me Monday. Happy New Year, my friend!

  5. These are so beautiful. Thank you for sharing your art with us all!

  6. What a beautiful poem. I love the feast of the Epiphany. Such a mystery who these Magi were. I pray to understand this mystery better.

  7. Every time I come here, God gives me a nugget I take away from here! Today, your words and your painting of Jesus gripped me most. The thought that He was FULL of Love AND Compassion! I am not sure why it struck me so...but it's so beautiful to think that we didn't have a God who boasted, but humble entered earth love us! What a gift! What a blessing! What a remarkable King of Heaven we serve!

  8. Thank you so much for joining us this week for our Word Art Wednesday challenge. It's a delight to have you there sharing your lovely inspiration. We welcome you to join us every week. Diane Noble (DT-WAW)

  9. sweet art pieces. Thank you for sharing.

  10. What joy when we find the Messiah! Your art always touches my heart. First the beauty then the message.

  11. Inspiring, I would love to see a book of your art, hope you are having a blessed day, thoughts and prayers for your family.


I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy