
Wednesday, January 29, 2014

WOYWW: Open and Receive!

Good WOYWW morning!
I am at the hospital again, as I take 
my turn to watch my mom
every Tuesday night to WOYWW morning!

I read from the Gospel of Mark
the story about the sower sowing seed.
If the seed is sown on good soil,
there will be much fruit and blooms,
like these beautiful flowers
that were given to my mom
by my aunt in Australia.

Sometimes the seeds are taken away by the birds
and there is no chance for growth
if the seeds end up on concrete roads
or other hard places.
Jesus used this parable to show
that the Word of God is like seed.
If our hearts are open, willing to receive
and obey God's Word,
we will see fruit in our life.
What are the 'birds' that take away the Word?
Busyness, anxiety, the lures and pleasures of this world,
being lukewarm, etc.

Our hearts can be divided.
Many times we desire to follow God,
but we may do things that lead us away from Him,
like keeping company with people
who are worldly, insincere or irreverent.


But there is ALWAYS hope.
God is always waiting for us to turn to Him.

I like the story of Saul.
Although he was the enemy 
of the friends of Jesus,
and persecuted them,
God still called him and Saul responded.
His heart was ready, open, willing
to receive the seeds God 
wanted to plant in his heart.

Our hearts are like our homes.
We need to open the door
and welcome God and His Word!


  1. Beautiful art and beautiful words.
    Sandra @8

  2. What a lovely page in your journal. And the words speak for themselves.

    BTW, your mother is still in my thoughts.

    Happy WOYWW from #1.

  3. You have been busy. So many beautiful paintings and scriptures. #3

  4. What a wonderful journal. May you sow your seeds in fertile ground. Sending prayers and hugs. Peg R #13

  5. Beautiful Paintings you've done there :) hugs Nikki 19

  6. As ever, your post is inspirational. I have been thinking over those words from Mark this last few days and it is just too easy to let the 'birds' come around.
    PJ has a new sister and we thank you for your prayers in that direction. We have both been poorly so this was welcome, although shocking, news for us to receive. We hope to go visit his current sister at the weekend and update her ... have no idea how she will react ... will be interesting!!! Have a prayerful week.
    Bishopsmate #65

  7. Such lovely paintings. Love the sweet delicate nature of them paired with Scripture. I'm here from WOYWW for the first time.
    Cathy #103

  8. May God bless you with His peace, Patsy, as you are faithfully walking with Him whilst sitting there with your mum. Such a lovely post today.
    Margaret #39

  9. awesome post and such beautiful art work. Sorry to hear your mom is still in the hospital You two are in my thoughts. Vickie #111

  10. I hope your time with your mom is very blessed.

  11. Lovely art and words. Thank you!

  12. He is our Hope your dear Mothers hope and this is beautiful. I enjoyed seeing your lovely art today and thank you for sharing it with us.
    Carole Robb Bisson
    Word Art Wednesday

  13. Beautiful art work and thought provoking words. xx Maggie

  14. What a wonderful post, Patsy. Your words are food for my soul, and your art is a blessing to my eyes. Your friendship is an eternal bond through Jesus Christ our Savior and our King. And I am SO blessed to know you and have you in my life. Thanks for sharing your work with us each week. I am always so blessed by it, and I continue to pray for God's blessings and provision for you and your family.
    Word Art Wednesday

  15. Our pastor is doing a sermon series on walking closer with the Lord. This passage was part of his sermon last week. I thik this area is the biggest problem for a lot of us Christians, including myself. It is so easy to let the cares and worries of the world take over our lives.

    I will continue to pray for your mother and for strength for you.

    ~ Blessings, Deborah

  16. Remarkable words and art.
    Blessings :-)


I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy