
Wednesday, January 15, 2014

WOYWW: A Prophet for Our Time

Here is my desk today!
Actually a chair in the hospital
as we had to confine my mom
due to an infection
And low hemoglobin.
But that doesn't stop me
from painting!
My reading today is about the prophet Samuel.
When he was young, he heard a voice calling to him.
He thought it was the priest Eli and three times
he went to Eli and said, "Here I am, you called me."

Then Eli realized it was God calling Samuel
and he instructed Samuel,
that the next time he hears a voice,
he should say,"'Speak Lord, 
for your servant is listening."
Samuel did as Eli instructed.

I suppose this is how to be a prophet,
someone who speaks God's truth to others.
Samuel was just an ordinary person like us-
but he listened, he obeyed.....
 Obviously when God spoke to Samuel,
he sounded just like another person,
no "Hollywood style booming voice"!
Perhaps God speaks to us through
ordinary people!

Samuel's mother Hannah, before Samuel was born,
kept pouring her troubles to the Lord.
The Eli, the priest, thought she was drunk!
1 Samuel 1:9-20

How many times have we judged 
the actions of others and thought them crazy, 
impolite, arrogant, stupid, without 
 knowing the story behind their actions? 
"Be kind, everyone you meet 
is fighting a hard battle." Ian Maclaren. 

We can be prophets for our time
if we listen and obey
what God said in His book:
"Love one another as I have loved you,"
and do not be hasty to judge others.
I have to confess this is hard for me,
but I have to keep trying!
God has not given up on me,
why should I?


  1. stunning art work and interesting perspective ..and thought provoking words often we are too quick to judge others .I hope your mum makes a speedy recovery ,best wishes and crafty hugs Andrea #17

  2. I am so sorry to read about your mother. I hope she gets better soon, because hospitals are no place for anyone to have to stay. What a lovely post today about your reading. Nicely put. Happy WOYWW from # 16, and thanks for the previous visit.

  3. Good morning.
    I'm trying to squeeze as many visits in as I can before work gets in the way. Thanks for sharing your little corner of creativity today. Sending hugs and prayers that your mother gets well again soon.
    Hope the rest of your week is a good one.
    Neil #33

  4. Love that you're managing to draw/paint while you're with your mother - hope that she is better soon. Helen 7

  5. Visiting from A Little R & R linky. Your artwork is amazing! Prayers for your mother!

  6. I think you could create anywhere anytime. Pray that all goes well with you mum.
    Sandra @28

  7. Hello Patsy. Trusting you will, as a family, know Father God's presence there in the hospital. May He speak His words of comfort to your hearts at this hard time.
    Margaret #52

  8. Sending you and your family lots of hugs and prayers.
    We had Mass today at school and that was the exact reading that the priest used. I do not believe in coincidence
    , so that must be a sign then, that I have to be quiet and listen to God's voice.
    Happy WOYWW!
    Tertia #83

  9. Think I need a badge as I have just worked out that you and Peggy are sisters. I replied to Peggy this morning as I looked at the number you left not the name as well. Prayers for your Mum. BJ#2

  10. Your poor Mum, I hold her in my thoughts. I expect a bit of painting whilst at her bedside is pretty calming for you and of course, limited supplies are good for us - makes us think outside the box a bit!

  11. Beautiful post, inspiring and enriching! I will be praying for your mom!
    Hugs, Ginny M # 71

  12. Anonymous12:52 PM

    There's so much in here I just want to savor - I love the story of Hannah - and I hadn't realized God's voice sounded just like a regular man when He called Samuel - and I love. love. love this: "Be kind, everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle." Ian Maclaren. - that puts much in a grace-filled perspective. Praying for your mom,too:) Wishing you both peace and rest in the healing!

  13. Sorry to hear about your Mom! Hope she is better soon so you can get back home to your desk. Love all the works. Thanks for sharing and I hope you have a great week. Vickie #99

  14. I'm continually blessed by both your art and your words, Patsy. I love to see and to read, and I thank you SO MUCH for sharing with us. You are such a blessing to me, and I thank you for joining us.
    Love and prayers.
    Word Art Wednesday

  15. You are such a ray of light with your art and posts. Thank you for dropping by and sharing your inspirational art with us today.
    I pray that bountiful Blessings come your way,
    Carole Robb Bisson
    Word Art Wednesday

  16. You are so unbelievable talented..God has blessed you with much. I love how you do this and it just made my morning. Thanks for sharing on the blog hop! Blessings for a beautiful weekend and for your mom's recovery.

  17. Praying for your mum, I love your work, it is such a blessing to be here, your work uplifts and blesses!

  18. Patsy, praying for your mom tonight. Thanks for sharing these beautiful paintings with Thought-Provoking Thursday! I love the story of Hannah.

  19. prayers for your Mother. I am so happy you shared this post at the Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop . Big Hugs

  20. I always take my crochet if I have to wait in hospital , it makes the time go much quicker....hope your mother is feeling a little better. Thanks for dropping by my blog :-)
    Hugs, LLJ 41 xx

  21. I am sorry to hear about your mother and I will pray that she is better soon. I liked what you shared about Samuel.

    Thanks for linking up for WholeHearted Wednesdays.

  22. Beautiful art work and very thought-provoking words. I hope your mum gets better soon, and thank you for stopping by my desk.
    Diana #51

  23. You sound like me. I have to take something to do no matter where I go. So sorry your mom is in the hospital. Prayers for a quick recovery!

    Oh that judgemental attitude will sneak up on us when we least expect it. Good words of wisdom and lovely artwork as usual. Thank you for sharing it at to What We Accomplished Wednesdays. Have a great week!



I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy