
Monday, March 03, 2014

Come Follow Me!

"Come follow me," Jesus said in Mark, chapter 10.
To follow Jesus, we need to listen,
we need to read His words in Scripture,
and we need to be around people who want
to follow Him.

When you follow someone,
it means you want to be a part of what He is doing.
You want to make sure you are "in the know".
Does that make sense?
I believe God is moving,
but just as in the time of Jesus,
He did not make a BIG announcement,
so God moves slowly but surely.
I want to be a part of that,
and even be a part of a people
who will make whatever 
God wants to happen, happen!

"Seek first the Kingdom of God
and His righteousness,
and ALL these things will be given you
Do not worry about tomorrow;
tomorrow will take care of itself.
Sufficient for a day is its own evil."
Matthew 6:33-34

The earnest, heartfelt,continued prayer 
of a righteous man is powerful and effective. James 5:16

We all want our prayers to be effective and powerful, 
but who is righteous? 
In Isaiah 64:6, we read that our righteousness 
is filthy rags before God!!!

I did some treasure hunting and 
I was ecstatic to find an abundance of 
verses in the Bible where Christ's righteousness 
passes to our account! 
We do not have a righteousness of our own, 
but it comes from our faith in Christ.

"We are justified in the eyes of God, 
JUST-IF-I'D never sinned"! (David J. Stewart)

And so we can pray in confidence to a 
God who made a way for us!

For the verses about the imputed 
(to pass to one's account) 
righteousness of Christ, we can read:
So, in more ways than one,
we need to follow Jesus!

I finished this doll yesterday.
It's made from a plastic milk bottle
which I covered in paper mache
and scrap cloth.
If you like to see how,
you can follow me on 
my Instagram account:

I find a lot of inspiration

visiting here:

So many WONDERFUL blogfriends

to discover!

Because I love blog parties,
I decided to host one of my own!
And if I find a post that I feel
is really a work of HeART,
I'll enter it here myself!
I decided to use this
as a way to keep favorite posts! 
Haven't made a button yet,
but I will soon!




  1. Patsy,
    It seems that Jesus carries us on His shoulders all the time. This is so expressive. Thank you for sharing this wonderful art with us at Word Art Wednesday today. Blessings, Carole DT

  2. Anonymous1:36 PM

    I want to be a part of what God is doing - and yes, He moves slowly, quietly but surely! Thank you for your gift of art and your message:) You always bless me when I come!

  3. I could look at your artwork forever. My new favorite words in the Bible are "Come and see." It's mentioned at least 3 times in John. LMK if you ever do a painting with those words?

  4. I love these verses Patsy. I've never heard Just-if-I'd that way before. That is so cool! As always I love your artwork, and especially like the first one of the joyous child leaning upon Jesus. Thank you for sharing at What We Accomplished Wednesdays. Have a lovely week! ~Deborah


I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy