
Friday, April 18, 2014

PPF: The Most Amazing Love!

 Yesterday was Holy Thursday
and I reflected on this verse:
"Unless I wash you, you will have no inheritance with me." 
John 13:8
After Jesus eats His last meal with His disciples, 
He prepares to wash their feet. 
Of course none of them were prepared for that!
At the evening mass for Holy Thursday, 
the priest washes the feet of some church goers. 
I am sure those chosen men wash their feet well! 
But the disciples did not have time to prepare. 
So of course, Peter and no doubt the others said,
 "NO WAY!" 
He was probably too ashamed to let Jesus hold 
his grimy, calloused feet with its long dirty toenails! 
But Jesus said, " I have to wash your feet, 
or you won't get your inheritance, 
you can't have a part of My Kingdom. 
You won't be my brother." 
And so Peter typically goes overboard and pleads, 
"Wash my hands and head as well!"
Today, how can we allow Jesus to wash us, 
cleanse us? 
 By going to confession, 
by asking forgiveness, 
by allowing Him into the deepest recesses of our hearts, 
minds and lives, asking Him to show us 
what we need to change, to give up, to surrender.

Peter was probably too ashamed to let Jesus hold 
his grimy, calloused feet with its long dirty toenails! 
But Jesus said, " I have to wash your feet, 
or you won't get your inheritance, 
you can't have a part of My Kingdom. 
You won't be my brother." 
And so Peter typically goes overboard and pleads, 
"Wash my hands and head as well!"
Today, how can we allow Jesus to wash us, 
cleanse us? 
 By going to confession, 
by asking forgiveness, 
by allowing Him into the deepest recesses of our hearts, 
minds and lives, asking Him to show us 
what we need to change, to give up, to surrender.

 Today is Good Friday,
and my sister and I attended a Senakulo
in our Parish Church.
It is a Passion play, a drama about
Jesus' suffering up to His crucifixion.
in our Parish Church.

 We were able to follow along in the streets 
like the crowd that followed Jesus 
on the way to Golgotha.
And just like that time,
some of the crowd laughed,
and some wer serious,
and some were praying.

"It was our infirmities that He bore,
our sufferings that He endured...
by His stripes we were healed."
Isaiah 53:4

The story of Jesus' crucifixion
is the very heart of the heart of the Gospel.
In the Garden of Eden, 
God pronounced man guilty of sin,
and man was driven out of the garden.

In the crucifixion, it is man
rejecting God from their city,
and giving Him a death sentence!

And the amazing thing is God allows it!
Because of the most improbable love of all,
the craziest, most amazing love!

"For God so loved the world
that He gave His one and only Son
that whoever believes in Him
will not perish but have eternal life."
John 3:16

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Sometimes I put on my best pajamas and
join these wonderful blog parties!!!
So many WONDERFUL blogfriends to discover!

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You are appreciated!



  1. Beautiful post!Happy Easter!

  2. Happy Easter

  3. Thanks for sharing your artwork and about the play you attended. I always love stopping by your blog. I have missed you lately though. Have a blessed Easter.

  4. Patsy, this is one of your very best posts ever! Not just the beautiful art, but the message. Thank you.

  5. Beautiful artwork Patsy. Happy Easter, hugs Annette x

  6. Beautiful art and a wonderful post Patsy. Thank you for joining us this week and for posting your beautiful project in our Word Art Wednesday challenge.

  7. The passion play sounds amazing. I'm so thankful we have a God who not only died for our sins but also rose again. Beautiful art, as always!

  8. such a wonderful season we are in... so grateful. beautiful post! happy Easter, patsy!

  9. Wishing you a blessed Easter. Lovely artwork. Pleasure to have you join us this week.

  10. OMGosh, our Pastor actually did that to impress this on our minds about Jesus washing their feet several weeks ago. It is excellent to focus on at this time. I enjoyed your photography and love the paintings. Blessings, Janet PPF

  11. Love your ATC's this week. Tryly a work of art! We are so grateful you joined our Challenge at Word Art Wednesday. Leaving you with God's Word in Proverbs 16:3 which says, "Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and he will establish your plans." With lots of blessings!

    JO ANN

  12. Happy Paper Saturdays Patsy and I hope you had a nice Easter! ManonX


I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy