
Monday, May 05, 2014

The Path to Life!

You didn't think Don Draper could be Jesus, did you?
Well he can, if he asks the right questions!

In the 6th chapter of John, some people
were looking for Jesus.
They even got into boats just to find Him.
When they finally saw Him across the sea,
they asked, "Rabbi, when did you get here?"

Jesus answered their questions.
We too may have many questions!
And I know God wants us to find Him and ask!

 "Show us the Father," Philip asked Jesus in Acts 14:8. 
What a privilege it was for the apostles 
and the people of Jesus' time to have seen Jesus, 
heard Him teach, experience His healing touch. 
You would think that would be enough, 
but yet they asked, "Show me the Father. 
Show me more miracles. 
Save us from the tyranny of the Romans!" 
Today, we still ask the same thing of God. 
Show me more. Give me more. 
I think we have to believe first, 
before we will see and receive!

 "You have made known to me the paths of life. 
You will fill me with joy in Your presence." 
Psalm 16:11 
The Gospel reading for yesterday (Luke 24:13-35)
is about how Jesus interpreted the Scriptures 
for the disciples and broke bread with them. 
Isn't this what happens at Mass or Service? 
We hear the Word, listen to preaching 
and receive blessed bread and wine. 
This is how God makes the Path to Life known!


  1. The path to life is dying to our fleshly selves; to deny our appetites and surrender to God's will. We need only to be co-dependent on God. I've never been so alive as when I surrendered my life and family to God's greater love and wisdom. He has blessed us so. Beautiful art, Patricia. Did you create those pieces?

  2. Wonderful inspiration and gorgeous artwork!!! You've been blessed and bless others in return - thank you!! Have a wonderful week!

  3. What a blessing you are! Thanks SO MUCH for sharing with us, and for continually blessing my soul with your deep and unwaivering love for your precious Lord and Savior. You make me smile!
    Word Art Wednesday

  4. I sense such a meditative spirit in your art and in your words, Patsy. Thank you for sharing them at Unforced Rhythms. What a joy.


I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy