
Friday, June 13, 2014

Paint Party Friday: A Still, Small Voice

Elijah the Prophet told King Ahab, 
"There is the sound of heavy rain." 
After 3 years of drought that was great news! 
Except that the sky was clear and 
there was not a cloud in the sky!

In Mark 11:23 KJV we can read, 
"He shall have whatsoever he saith." 

We should be careful about what we confess. 
A lot of times we declare 
negative things about ourselves, 
our situations, our families. 
"I can't do that. Too difficult."
 "I'm a failure." "My son is stupid!" 
How many times have I heard 
mothers put down their children and then 
despair they don't do well in school? 

Like Elijah we should know 
God wants to rain good things
upon us and our families. 
We should declare God's goodness 
and claim His promises!

"After the wind..the earthquake...
there was fire- 
but The Lord was not in the fire. 
After the fire there was 
a tiny whispering sound." 
1 Kings 19:12

Elijah, the great prophet 
was running for his life 
in fear and anguish. 
After all the mighty miracles, 
his great victories over his enemies, 
he wanted to give up! 

God had to remind him,
and indeed all of us,
that our strength comes from being with Him, 
praying, listening to Him. 

Sometimes we look for miracles, 
demonstrations of great power,
healings, to grow our faith. 
But our faith will grow 
if we get to know the God of the Bible, 
if we read His Word and 
listen for His still, small voice. 

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  1. Nice.I love how the face doesn't jump out at you but blends into the background. Makes it show strength and says a lot about it.

  2. It amazes me how so many people say, " this is to die for". Words mean nothing at all it seems. I like this post and your art work. We so appreciate you at WAW. Blessings, Carole

  3. Both pieces are very nice. Have a happy weekend

  4. Beautiful paintings and a great message. Happy PPF. Hugs, Teresa

  5. Great Post! Thanks for such an encouraging post. I love the fact that you brought out the point that we ought to spend time with God studying our bibles and listening to the still-small voice.

    Still on the issue of studying our bibles, here is a post you might want to consider:

  6. So true, beautiful words and thoughts. Thank you for sharing. Blessings, Janet, PPF

  7. That's one of my favorite passages. Love that still, small voice of God.


I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy