
Wednesday, June 25, 2014

WOYWW: Silence the Wolves!

Here's my desk early in the morning.

 My little journal is on top of a
handout from a Parent's Seminar
my husband and I attended.
It was about Digital Parenting.
There was a LOT discussed
and I was so glad my son was 19 already
and didn't need too much supervision!!!
When he was young, we had a lot of rules
about watching TV and the use of the computer.

I bought some of these at a garage sale
last weekend and started making brooches out of it.

And here are the ATCs I got 
from the Anniversary WOYWW swap.
Thank you Annie, Regina,
Queen Eliza of artoypia, and Twiglet
for my marvelous cards!!!
I love them!
I hope you liked mine!

 "Beware of false prophets,
who come to you in sheep's clothing."
Matthew 7:15

I can't say it any better than
The Word Among Us:
"As often as not, we are the 
first ones to lead ourselves astray.
We know that if we listen to the 
wolfish thoughts that go through our mind,
they will lead to bad fruit-
selfishness, sadness, isolation and sin.
It's tough to look inside ourselves,
but Jesus wants us to examine our thoughts.

 Not because He wants to show us 
how bad we are, because we 're not.
It's because He wants us to be free 
to hear and live by the Holy Spirit.
Only by quieting our racing minds
will we be able to hear His words of affirmation,
conviction and direction."
"Only by silencing the wolves
can we hear the Lamb!"

Yesterday  we celebrated the 
birth of St. John the Baptist.
I think he is one of the most awesome characters
in the New Testament and there are a LOT of 
great personalities we meet in those pages.

He is unique because from when he was a
baby in his mother, Elizabeth's womb,
he already had a distinct identity.
He knew, recognized the One he would serve.
He knew his mission! 
He knew he was called for a purpose!

In the womb, he "leaped for joy" 
(Luke 1:41-44)
when he heard the voice of Mary.
When he was older, he preached 
repentance without fear,
with no political correctness whatsoever!
He didn't water down his message,
and for that he got beheaded (Matthew 14:10).
How about us? Are we as clear about our purpose?
Do we know that we are called and placed here on earth,
in our city, in our neighborhood, school, office,
our family, community, because God wants us to do
something for Him?
We are all created unique, one of a kind, with gifts
and talents different from anyone else'.

"And who knows but that you have come to your position
for such a time as this?" Esther 4:14



  1. Fabulous pie of goodies, and also lov ethe anniversary atc's!
    Helen # 5

  2. Love the swaps you got. Great stuff from the garage sale too. #13

  3. You got some great goodies at the yard sale. Love the ATCs you rec'd. I'm glad to see that you got mine. I got yours, and I love it. #4

  4. beautiful paintings again Patsy! I keep trying to paint but nothing ever turns out the way I think it should...I guess I will just keep trying...;-) Hope you have a great week. Vickie #40

  5. Interesting thoughts today, Patsy. Only last night we as a small group within our church were studying James ch4 - all about Drawing near to God, knowing Him, and therefore resisting the devil.
    Lovely things you found in the sale - enjoy using them.
    Margaret #20

  6. ah Patsy great images thanks again for sharing .. wonderful atcs received too!!

    happy WOYWW Shaz in oz.x #14

  7. Digital parenting, well that is a new age thing, never had that in my time as a parent of school kids
    Bridget #35

  8. Fabolous desk I say !! .. Thanks for sharing

    Kind regards
    PS My contribution is here:

  9. Lovely collection of atc's and stunning art work.
    Sandra de @57

  10. Hi Patsy, lovely art work as usual and enjoyed reading today's passage. I have always considered John the Baptist to be a very important figure, almost as important as Jesus himself.
    Have a lovely week and happy crafting, Angela x #44

  11. Hi Patsy. Love your hoard from the garage sale and that you are going to make brooches from it. Picking up other people's "junk" and making stuff from it is one of my favourite past times! Great collection of ATCs. Feeling sad I missed it.
    Love Gillian #66

  12. Always beautiful. And I loved your reflections on John the Baptist. Thank you for sharing with TWW. Blessings.

  13. Jewellery from that lot..I don't know how, but I know you will! Great to see your desk again!

  14. Great post patsy and a wonderful painting of John the Baptist. We appreciate that you have taken time to share with us at Word Art Wednesday this week.
    Carole Robb Bisson

  15. Your artwork is beautiful. I admire anyone who can draw and yours are truly lovely. Creative Blessings~ Kelly #73

  16. Gorgeous artwork and encouraging words.


I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy