
Monday, August 18, 2014

Not Perfect by Forgiven!

"Create in me a clean heart, O God!" Psalm 5:12

I've been rather "masungit" lately! (bad tempered)
I barked at the janitor because 
he put brooms and dustpan in the lobby, 
 I scolded an employee because she did not follow procedure, 
I was ready to fight the bank teller and video him 
for not accepting my check to pay for my mom's estate tax. 
But I remember always reminding my mom 
that "it is better to be kind than to be right."

What's happened? I haven't been watching my heart! 
We have to keep and guard our heart with all vigilance 
because in Proverbs 4:23 it says, 
"from our heart flows the springs of life." 
And I do want life to flow from me to others, not garbage!

In Revelations 3:19, it says, "Those whom I dearly love, 
I tell their faults, and convict, convince, reprove and chasten. 
I discipline and instruct them. 
So be enthusiastic, earnest and burning with zeal, 
and repent, changing your mind and attitude."(Amplified Bible)

I love this! God doesn't condemn us! 
If there's a condemning voice in our head, it's not Him! 
He wants us to learn and move on! 
Yes, Lord, I will be enthusiastic, 
and eager to put Your words into practice today!

 In Revelations 3:19, it says, "Those whom I dearly love, 
I tell their faults, and convict, convince, reprove and chasten. 
I discipline and instruct them. 
So be enthusiastic, earnest and burning with zeal, 
and repent, changing your mind and attitude."(Amplified Bible)

I love this! God doesn't condemn us! 
If there's a condemning voice in our head, it's not Him! 
He wants us to learn and move on! 
Yes, Lord, I will be enthusiastic, 
and eager to put Your words into practice today!

 "Woman, great is your faith! 
Let it be done for you as you wish." Mathew 15:28

This is one story in the Bible where 
Jesus was intentionally unkind. 
 Why did Jesus reject the Canaanite woman 
in her great need? 
She called out to Him, "Have pity on me! 
My daughter is tormented by a demon!" 
Jesus was so rude, 
He actually compared her to a dog!

There is always a lesson in what Jesus does and says. 
And the obvious lesson here is 
the power of persistence and not giving up. 
 The degree to which we are willing 
to persevere and hound God, 
will be the degree we will get what we want from Him. 
I am reminded of the time I felt rejected by God 
when He did not answer my prayers right away. 
I persisted in praying for my mom's healing. 
I felt like I was in the dark, with no answer, no light.

 But when I got out of the dark room, 
I saw the picture God was developing. 
It was a picture of great love, and my greatest wish. 
For when all is said and done, 
my greatest desire for my mother, 
for me, and all my loved ones, 
is to be with the One who loves us most! 
And God is so powerful, 
nothing is impossible with Him! 
When my mother went to be with God, 
I was soooo ecstatic for her!

Indeed, when we feel God's rejection, 
we need only to look beyond what we see, 
persist in prayer, and never give up!
"If you wish to be perfect, go, sell what you have
and give to the poor, and you will have 
treasure in heaven. Then come follow me."

Now why did this rich young man have to ask Jesus,
"What do I still lack?" ???
He could have just said, "All of these commandments 
I have kept and observed."
And that would be that!

But I believe, like this rich young man,
we should ask Jesus every day,
"What do I still lack?"
There is always something more we can do
to become "perfect".

 Although I doubt very much if selling all 
the possessions I have in the world 
would make me perfect!
For one, I would be too anxious,
and I would have to deal with
my son's anger and frustration with me! Ha ha!
Plus I would not be able to do what God 
has put me here on earth to do!

Right now, let's just say,
I am not perfect but forgiven....
and loved!
After all, "With men it is impossible
to get to heaven, but with God,
ALL things are possible!"
Matthew 19:26


  1. I'm always blessed to have you share in our challenge, Patsy. I enjoy your art so much. I am far from perfect. I am a sinner saved by grace. Praise God that I am forgiven for the things I do to shame His holt and precious name. I would be NOTHING without Him and without the assurance of y eternal home in Heaven with Him. Thanks so much for sharing this with us,
    Have a wonderful week, my friend,
    Word Art Wednesday

  2. What gorgeous artistic contributions you give us each week, Patsy. And your words. Oh, they give us your heart. Thanks for joining us for Unforced Rhythms.

  3. You had me at "It's better to be kind than right." I could apply this to about 5 situations right now. Good timing!


I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy