
Wednesday, January 21, 2015

WOYWW: Prisoners of Hope

 I have not posted for a week because I have been so busy!
Pope Francis was here in the Philippines from January 15-19.
If I was not Pope-stalking, I was watching him on TV
and tearing up from what he said and from all the filipinos
getting wet and waiting for houuuurs! 

Here is Pope Francis blowing kisses to the crowd,
and I am one of them.

 "...Jesus was deeply grieved that they had closed their minds against Him..." Mark 3:5
Jesus wept, lamented, mourned, grieved over loss, injustice, over sin, over people who closed their minds against Him. There is sooo much of that in the world today. We lose people to cancer or aids, even dengue. We watch helplessly on CNN how innocent people are kidnapped, beheaded, condemned to slavery, how children are taught to kill or made to do horrible things.

 Pope Francis said last Sunday in his spontaneous speech to the youth, "When the heart is able to ask itself and weep, then we can understand something. There is a worldly compassion which is useless. It’s a compassion that makes us put our hands in our pockets and give something to the poor. But if Christ had had that kind of compassion he would have greeted a couple of people, given them something, and walked on. But it was only when he was able to cry that he understood something of our lives."

 Jesus was one WITH US when He walked the streets of Jerusalem, Capernaum, in Galilee. We can't even conceive of what He had to sacrifice to identify with us, to understand us, to love us. How alien it must have been for Him, who needed only to speak a word and a new universe could be created! But here on earth, he was self-restricted by His body, by time and place, and by people of no faith. So yes, He grieved. He was deeply and utterly disturbed that His love and blessing could not reach fallen man because of our stubborness. And so, we must learn to cry too. Let us cry out to God for people in darkness and hopelessness, for people in need of the Savior!

 "Be strongly encouraged to seize the hope which is placed before us. This confidence is like a sure, strong and trustworthy anchor for our souls." Hebrew 6:18-19
Last Sunday I watched the poor little girl pose a question to the Pope, a question with no answer. I was suddenly overwhelmed with sadness for the many little girls like her who live with helplessness, in fear and little hope, not only here in the Philippines but around the world. She asked, "Why do children suffer?" She couldn't even continue her prepared sharing because she broke down in tears.
Really, only God knows the answer to that question. But yesterday, when she was interviewed on TV, gone were the tears, and in its place, a big smile. She and the other children with her, talked of HOPE. Nothing changed much in her life, but she was hopeful, happy, looking forward to the future, even giving encouragement to other children like her.
Living without hope is only half living. We live in a broken world, bodies that need healing, relationships that need mending, economies that need rejuvenation, values that need re-alignment...When we put our hope in the wrong things like wealth, power, ourselves, or other people, that is what happens. Brokenness. We have to put our hope in something unchangeable. Someone who is trustworthy.
We may be in the dark, not knowing what lies before us, but God knows. "I know the plans I have for you, plans for your welfare and peace, and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope." (Jeremiah 29:11) We need to become "prisoners of hope" (Zech. 9:12)

Joining the lovely Julia Dunnit for a 
peek at desks and projects!
I find a lot of inspiration
visiting my friends here:



  1. Pretty painting in your book
    Happy WOYWW hugs Nikki No # yet

  2. What beautiful paintings you have done to accompany your beautiful words. I am so glad you got to see the Pope whilst he visited your country.
    Neet 3 xx

  3. Another beautiful message!! I do so look forward to your postings! I love how your artwork is transparent, and yet so clear too. Brilliant work! Blessings to you!!!

    Happy Crafting!
    Jeannie #14

  4. Happy WOYWW
    love Mrs C.xx #29

  5. What a fantastic thing to see the Pope and Pope stalking is alright in my book you deserve a little fun and hope. Love your journal work just beautiful.

    Hugs Eliza & Yoda 35
    Happy WOYWW

  6. What a wonderful post Patsy! Happy woyww and a hug from Holland, Marit #51

  7. Beautiful post! And your pages are wonderful! Happy WOYWW!
    Carol N #58

  8. This morning I pushed myself through several strenuous distasteful tasks until every muscle ached and my attitude was as ugly as all the dirt I had cleaned up. Desperately in need of a break, I came here.

    Your beautiful words and pictures washed the gunk from my soul. It was lovely to hear about Pope Francis' visit. I can imagine his dear heart weeping at the little girl's question, but also being able to offer her comfort and hope.

    Your painting in your bible is spectacular; so very lifelike. You are a marvelous artist and it is clear that the Artist of heaven paints daily upon your soul.

    Blessing hugs,

  9. I love the artwork in your bible! Not having any artistic talent, I would never venture to do something so bold! But it looks beautiful! I love the idea!

  10. You are so blessed to be able to see and hear the pope..very awesome. Love the painting of captured his expression well. Shel#71

  11. Beautiful work and so inspiring. Happy WOYWW! Sandy Leigh #59

  12. Thank you for sharing this post! It's so filled with love and hope. May God bless you and keep you in His grace!

  13. We've had quite a lot of coverage of the Pope's visit and of course I thought of you and Peggy, wondered if you'd be in the sea of people! Saw a lot of the beauty of the islands through the reports too.

  14. Thanks for linking up at #ThreeWordWednesday. I'm glad you share this beauty!

  15. Love you works Patsy. I am not Catholic but I would travel to see this man also. My son converted to Catholicism about 7 years ago and I love how it and the new Pope have made religion realistic. Thanks for sharing your photo! Hope you have a great week. Vickie #33


I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy