
Wednesday, July 06, 2016

WOYWW: Ever Fresh, Ever New!

I've been cleaning and organizing
for several days now,
and lest you think I've been 
highly successful,
here is a picture of my floor.

My son Josh said, "Mom! I thought
you were cleaning!
How come it's more messy now?!!"
But all crafters know that's just 
par for the course!

 "Break up for yourselves a new field." Hosea 10:12

A plow is an implement used in a field to cut in, 
break up soil and cut furrows into the ground 
in preparation for sowing. 
The upper layer of soil is turned over and a fresh fertile layer 
full of nutrients is brought to the top. 

 A farmer does this several times 
and we too should take time to till the soil of our hearts 
now and again so that new seeds can be planted. 
It's not good to allow weeds to grow, and the soil to harden. 
Plowing breaks up the weed roots and 
disrupts the weeds from growing. 
We know how fast weeds can grow! 

Lord, may I never be complacent 
and allow weeds of discontent, envy, 
or unforgiveness to take root. 
May my heart be ever fresh, ever new 
for You to plant good seeds in it! 

Joining the lovely Julia Dunnit for a 
peek at desks and projects!

I find a lot of inspiration
visiting my friends here:



  1. When we clean one area another area takes the mess till we go clean that area and back and forth we go :) Happy WOYWW hugs Nikki

  2. yes, that is the trouble with trying to clean/sort - you make more mess to get better. good luck! Helen #1

  3. I had to giggle to myself when I saw your floor. My room always looks so much worse when I start cleaning.
    Love your art as always.
    Happy WOYWW!
    Tertia #10

  4. Super drawing of your guy with the plow - or plough as we spell it here. The only good thing about cleaning is finding things I thought I'd lost - Have a super week x Jackie 14

  5. You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs and so it goes that the craft room has to look worse before it gets better!!
    Hugs, LLJ xxx

  6. I start to clean the craft room then start crafting and as you say worse than when you started ,

    Lilian B #17

  7. Yes, my craft room looks like yours when I'm cleaning. Things get moved around, dumped on the floor but it all works out in the end!

    Lovely artwork

    Sharon K #27

  8. Loved seeing your floor pic. Yes, crafters understand the nature of cleaning. The shelving unit looks fabulous though. I really enjoy coming and seeing your Bible Art Journal pages. Love how you use magazine people as your base.

  9. I too am happy to see your floor ! We are all in this mess together. One of these days I must make a big dent in permanent cleaning out.

  10. I'm glad I'm not the only one that makes more of a mess while I'm trying to clean. I WILL get it done some day! Another great picture in your bible!
    Have a great day!
    Diane #24

  11. Hello Patsy. Great job on the cleaning and organizing and I hear that from my daughters when I reorganized my room as there is never a clean surface. Hope you get it all done soon. Have a wonderful week Hugs ~Anne L#3

  12. Yup! That is definitely the "cleaning" up process! Have a great week. Dorlene #35

  13. Another beautiful painting and devotional thought.

    Your shelves look wonderfully organized, but I understand the mess on the floor. Re-organizing a craft space is a process that takes time and often I give up in the midst, leaving the mess for another day. Or month. :)

  14. Such lovely art work. Thank you for sharing.
    April #32

  15. Beautiful... I am in need of organizing my art area as well - but it's more fun to create! ;)

  16. I have the same problem when I'm cleaning and organizing!

    Greetings, Sofie #45

  17. I think everyone is having the same problem again this week…organizing and getting things out there so we can use them again. It has been a while since I have posted anything or participated in WOYWW! It has been a year of medical issues and I have become kind a recluse of sorts. Vickie #43


I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy