
Friday, March 31, 2017

All Troubles!

"Many are the troubles of the just man, but out of them all the Lord delivers him." Psalm 34:17

ALL? Is this true, that the Lord delivers the just man out of all his troubles? First of all, who is just? It means righteous in the eyes of God. Philippians 3:9 tells us we can have a righteousness that is not our own but comes through faith in Christ. If we believe in Christ, and try to follow Him to the best of our abilities, if we call on the Holy Spirit to help us, I think we can call ourselves just. 

So it is reasonable that when we are in trouble or troubled, we can come before God and say, "Father, You said You will deliver the just man from ALL his troubles. I claim the promises You gave to those who believe in You and obey You." God keeps His promises, of that I am sure. 

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Standing in the Gap

"Why O Lord should your wrath blaze up against your own people..." 
Exodus 32:11

God has emotions and He is not lukewarm. He is intense and gets blazing mad about disobedience. When the Jews were crazy enough to make a god out of gold and put an altar in front of it, He got infuriated with them. "I see how stubborn and rebellious these people are!" Moses had to plead with Him not to destroy them. 

"Turn away from Your fierce anger. Remember Your covenant with Your servants!" I think it is fascinating that the Lord relented after Moses' intervention. 

We can be like Moses too. There are spiritual battles going on around us. Is there strife in the office? In the neighborhood? In our country? Is God happy about the disunity and cursing and killings in our country? 
Throughout the Bible, God searches for people willing to put on spiritual armor and fight for righteousness and peace to prevail in the land. God said in Ezekiel 22:30, "And I searched for a man among them who should build up the wall and stand in the gap before Me for the land, that I should not destroy it, but I found no one" 
Today, will He find us standing in the gap for our country like Moses?

If we think we are powerless, we need to realize that we have a greater intercessor than Moses at our side. Jesus is our intercessor. With all our sins and failings, Jesus stands between us and the Father, caked in blood, and His wrath is stilled. 

Thank You Jesus for being at our side always. I am more than a conqueror because You have conquered the enemy for me. And I can stand in the gap unafraid because You go ahead of me. 

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

WOYWW: Never Forget!

Well, I am putting together all the stuff
I will be bringing to
Art in the Park, the annual art fair
where I sell my paintings.

It will be held this Saturday,
and I think I have enough to sell!
But pricing! That is always a challenge!

I can't bear to part with some of my paintings,
and those are the ones I price rather high! Ha ha! 

I also have some signed art prints,
and some miniature paintings on easels. 
I wouldn't mind having some around 
the house myself!

"Even should she forget, I will never forget you." Isaiah 49:15

This is one of the most poignant verses in the Bible for me. Even if a mother would forget her child, God would never forsake us. Sadly, there are many instances today of mothers killing their own children in the womb, of mothers selling their own children to slavery. It may be inconceivable to us but here in the Philippines and other parts of the world, some mothers are capable of giving young daughters to the sex trade in exchange for money.

We are surrounded by a world gone mad. We need a compass, an anchor, a refuge from the storm raging about us. That can only be God who said He will never forget us, never forsake or leave us. We can depend on Him. We are precious, the apple of His eye, His favored one! When we know this, believe it from the depth of our being, we can laugh at the future, whatever it brings (Prov.31:25).  Without Him by our side, we will be filled with anxiety, and needless worry. 

Lord, when I am weary with disappointment, catch my heart! When trials are too hard to bear, come and carry my burden! Meet me where I am, Father, as You have faithfully promised. Bring healing, bring love, bring peace. Bring whatever it is I need, Lord!

Joining the lovely Julia Dunnit for a 
peek at desks and projects!

I find a lot of inspiration
visiting my friends here:


Tuesday, March 28, 2017


"Do you want to be healed?" John 5:6

In John 4:48, Jesus asked the crowd in Cana, "Must I do miraculous signs and wonders before you people will believe in Me?" 

Here in the next chapter of John, Jesus meets a man who had been sick for 38 years. Jesus asked him, "Do you want to be healed?" What a question! It should have been answered with an eager "YES!!!" But the man responded, "I can't sir," and gave an excuse why. 

How about us? There is always something we need healing from. It may be a physical condition, but it may also be that we need freedom from attitudes that keep us from reaching our full potential, from being our best. We may be sick from unforgiveness or ingratitude or anger or hurt. Jesus asks us, "Do you want to be healed?" 

I remember my sister telling me that she was talking to someone with plenty of ailments. My sister was offering to give her healing verses from the Bible which is like medicine to our bodies (Proverbs 4:20). The lady did not want it, and instead continued to talk about her sicknesses like they were an essential part of her. Perhaps very much like the man Jesus spoke to who had been living with his paralysis for 38 years. I do believe that Jesus wants to heal us from whatever it is that keeps us bound. 

We should not get so used to our illnesses that we do not say eagerly to Jesus, " Yes, Lord, I want to be healed. Let it be done to me according to Your Word. I will pay attention to what You say. I will let it penetrate deeply into my heart for it brings life to all who find them and healing to our whole body." 

Monday, March 27, 2017

Signs and Wonders!

"Must I do miraculous signs and wonders before you people will believe in Me?" John 4:48

How frustrated Jesus must have been! He had already turned water into wine here in Cana, and He commented, almost plaintively, "Unless you people see signs and wonders, you do not believe!" I am sure Jesus would be pleased if WE were the signs and wonders ourselves! 

I recently saw Hacksaw Ridge, the movie based on the true story of Desmond Doss. He is the first and only conscientious objector to win a Medal of Honor for actions above and beyond the call of duty. He was a combat medic and because of his religious beliefs refused to carry any weapon in the field. He went through a lot of hardship in his training because of this. His superiors wanted him to quit and get out of the army. 

Eventually he was sent to battle in Guam, Leyte and Okinawa. There he distinguished himself by saving the wounded, dragging or carrying them from where they had been wounded to safety. In Hacksaw Ridge, he was the only one left in enemy territory, saving one wounded soldier after another. "Get one more for Jesus," he would tell himself, as he searched for one more soldier that needed saving. It was quite harrowing to watch him put himself in danger, dragging men with no legs, carrying them, then tying them so he could lower them down the ridge to friendly hands. He was able to save more than 75 men! 

What a sign and wonder of God's saving grace Desmond Doss was and is! We do not realize it but we are in the midst of a battle too. Lord, may I be a sign of Your presence every day. May I have Desmond Doss' mindset and remember to get one more soul for You! 

Sunday, March 26, 2017

How God Sees

"Not as man sees does God see... the Lord looks into the heart." 
Samuel 6:7

If only we could see into peoples' hearts, we would make less mistakes. Here the prophet Samuel is guided by God to anoint David, the youngest son of Jesse, to be the new king. If Samuel were to choose based on appearances, he would have anointed Eliab who was tall and handsome and strong! 

I remember when my helper Lucy first came to me. I was to choose between two helpers. One was young, and Lucy was much older and thinner. If I were to choose on my own, I would have chosen the younger for I thought she could work harder. After telling them the situation, I told them to just decide between the two of them who would come and work for me and who would work for my mom. Lucy told Thelma, the younger one, "You work for her mom. They have plenty of other helpers." She chose to work for me because she would be all alone, there would be a baby, and there would be more work. God bless her good heart! She chose the harder load! 22 years after, Lucy is still with me, part of my family, always looking after our welfare. Thelma has long left the employ of my mom and has gotten married. 

Every day, we meet people and talk to people at work, in our neighborhood, or even at the supermarket. We may not be able to see their hearts, but we can practice seeing them through God's eyes of compassion and love. Before I got married, I got perfect advice from my ninang, my godmother. She said, "Always see your husband through God's eyes." Lord, may I not only see my husband through Your eyes, but every person I encounter. 

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Nothing Impossible!

"For nothing is impossible with God..." Luke 1:37

Sometimes we put boundaries on what God can do. One time I was talking to a woman who said it seemed impossible that her son would go closer to God. I told her not to say that. In the 11th chapter of Mark, Jesus instructs that we will have what we say. Whatever comes out of the heart, what we believe, that is usually what we say. We have to train our heart and mind to believe what God says, and God says there is nothing He cannot do! Nothing is impossible for Him if we only believe! And that is what we should confess! 

I read about an amazing couple. Domingo and Irene Garcia had a very unpromising start when they married at 16 years old, and Irene was pregnant. The first 10 years of marriage was filled with Domingo's alcoholism, infidelity and abuse. Irene hated him. When Irene became a Christian, she prayed for a new husband and prepared to leave. But Domingo suddenly pleaded for forgiveness and promised to stop drinking. Since then, in the past 45 or so years, they have become a model more than 40 kids! Aside from their 2 biological sons, they have adopted, fostered and cared for children, many of whom have special needs, severe health problems and emotional scars. A lot of them come from drug raids and have been abused and neglected. How did this imperfect couple with a messy relationship get from there to being a source of love, comfort and the structure these kids needed? Only God can do the impossible, and like God, we should never give up on people! 

Lord, I pray that my heart and mind embrace this truth, that nothing, absolutely nothing is impossible with You! I should never give up, never despair, always hope and believe!

Friday, March 24, 2017

Hear O Israel!

"Excellent, teacher!" Mark 12:32

What must it have been like to engage Jesus in a conversation? Here we have an unnamed scribe, a teacher of religious law, listening in on Jesus' discussion with some Sadducees about the resurrection of the dead. Unlike the others, this scribe was not out to trap Jesus into saying something for which He could be arrested. 

This scribe really wanted to learn, and he asked Jesus, "Of all the commandments, which is the first, the most important?" And Jesus recites the Shema, "Hear, O Israel! The Lord our God is Lord alone! Therefore you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength." 

These words from Deuteronomy 6:4-5 is a declaration of faith, a pledge of allegiance to One God. The Jews recite this when they wake up and before going to sleep at night. It is the first prayer that a Jewish child is taught and the last words on a Jew's lips on his death bed. 

Rabbi Eliezer Silver went to Europe in 1945 to help recover Jewish children who had been protected during the Holocaust by hiding them with non-Jewish families. He would go to gatherings of families and then recite the Shema loudly so all could hear. Then he would look into the eyes of the children for any tears of remembrance, any sign that they could recall those words repeated again and again before they went to sleep and when they awoke. These were also the words Jesus was taught to memorize as a young child. 

In Deuteronomy 6, Moses tells his community to repeat these words again and again to their children, to talk about it all the time, not only when they were at home, but also when they were at work, and when they were traveling. They were to tie it to their hands and put it on their doorposts. That was how important this teaching was. This was one way to identify the people God called His very own. Perhaps we should memorize these words too, and engrave it in our hearts!

Thursday, March 23, 2017

The Finger of God

" the finger of God..." Luke 11:20

Can we say we have been touched by the finger of God? Have we seen God's power at work in our lives? Or perhaps we see God intervening in someone's life and wonder why He has not done the same for ourselves. We live in a skeptical world, very much the same as the time Jesus lived. Back then, they thought that when Jesus cast a demon out of a deaf and dumb person, He did it with power from Satan! Today, we prefer to be sophisticated skeptics, always questioning whether God is present or if He exists at all! I saw this picture on Facebook of a big sign "GODISNOWHERE". How would we read it? God is nowhere? Or God is now here?

When we start with faith, we will see signs of God's being "now here" everywhere! Last Sunday, my husband, sister and brother in law and I traveled to and from a wake in Calamba, a 2 hour drive each way. The car came to a complete stop without warning inside the subdivision very close to home. With grateful hearts, we thanked God the car did not stop on the highway, or there in Calamba! 

Sometimes we need bigger signs that God is present. Marion Brown, a court reporter, grew away from her faith as she got older. She became skeptical that God was listening when she talked to Him. It took a big fire, the 2003 wildfire that destroyed over 700 thousand acres and more than 3000 homes, to make her believe again. Her family's home was razed to the ground. When she went back to the site with her husband and kids, to find if there was anything of value that was left, they looked around and everything was just ashes. There were even holes on the ground because the roots of the trees were burned. She started to pray for words to say that would help her sons heal. She could see her younger son Erik quietly going around with tears falling down his cheeks. He suddenly got excited when he found a book but when he picked it up, it disintegrated in his hands. 

"Wait! Look!" he shouted. In his hand, was left a most fragile piece of ash. It was a picture of a family holding hands, with the words, "Count your blessings."  

Lord, may I always remember to be grateful for Your presence in my life. May I remember to count my blessings and not wait for big signs before I believe You are working in my life!

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

WOYWW: Teach Your Children Well

Here is what is on my work table.
I am still preparing for the art fair.

I am attaching cords to the back of the canvases 
so it can be hung.

"Teach them to your children and your children's children." 
Deuteronomy 4:9

There are things I remind my son Josh about, and because I've said them again and again, his response is a plaintive, "Mom! I've heard that before!" 

"Don't date until you're ready to get married!" I've drummed this into his brain since he was young. "Pray everyday and read the Bible." I've taught my son what I believe is best for him. Would God our Father do any less? 

In the 4th chapter of Deuteronomy, Moses tells his people to listen and observe the statutes and decrees God gave them, His chosen people. It is for their own good, just as it is for ours. His law is easily summarized into the Ten Commandments and the Shema, the Jews' daily declaration of faith to one God. Just as we want to teach our children what is good for them, so God wants to teach us how to live in good order, wisely and faithfully. 

There is a story of an old miner who lived like a hermit in the Colorado Mountains. When he died, his relatives came and took his meager belongings, an old cooking pot, and some rusty mining equipment. Before they left, his old friend came walking up and asked if he could have what was left. They answered, "Sure! We got everything we want." The friend then went in, moved the table, and lifted one of the floorboards. There was his friend's hoard of gold worth millions. Only a true friend would know your worth! We need to be God's friend to know how valuable His Word is! 

Lord, thank You for the gift of Your Word. I know Your Word, Your promises, are worth more than gold or silver, or bitcoins, or all the wealth this world has! 

Joining the lovely Julia Dunnit for a 
peek at desks and projects!

I find a lot of inspiration
visiting my friends here:


Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Forgive 70 x 7!

"Should you not have had mercy on your fellow servant, as I had mercy on you?" Matthew 18:33

Jesus tells the disciples a parable to emphasize that we must forgive others 70 times 7 times. If we do not, we would end up in a place we would rather not be. Most of the time, that place is a hell of our own making. When we do not forgive, it is like putting ourselves in a dungeon and locking ourselves in. Or drinking poison little by little. 

No one can teach us more about forgiveness than Corrie ten Boom, who was imprisoned along with her sister Betsie in Ravensbrück, a concentration camp, during the Nazi occupation of Holland. After her horrible experience, she would give talks about Jesus and His forgiveness. One time she recognized a guard from the camp come forward. He said he had become a Christian and wanted to hear it from her lips that he was forgiven. It all came rushing back, her sister dying, this guard's cruelty and now, he couldn't even remember her!

But she put out her hand stiffly, and God flooded her with His love. When it is truly difficult to forgive, we can just take a little step forward, and God will supply the rest. Corrie knew that if she didn't forgive this man, she would remain an invalid for the rest of her life. She saw it in the people she ministered too. Those who remained bitter could not move on with their lives. 

I watched Beauty and the Beast last night. One of the things I like about the movie was that the servants were not bitter about their fate. They forgave their master, the beast, because they understood why he became the selfish young man he was, and even took part of the blame.  Because of that compassion, they were able to be hopeful, and help save themselves from the horrible fate that awaited them. 

Lord, may I always look upon others with compassion and love. If there is any hatred or unforgiveness in me, bring it out so You can help me take the first step and heal me.

Forgive 70 x 7!

"Should you not have had mercy on your fellow servant, as I had mercy on you?" Matthew 18:33

Jesus tells the disciples a parable to emphasize that we must forgive others 70 times 7 times. If we do not, we would end up in a place we would rather not be. Most of the time, that place is a hell of our own making. When we do not forgive, it is like putting ourselves in a dungeon and locking ourselves in. Or drinking poison little by little. 

No one can teach us more about forgiveness than Corrie ten Boom, who was imprisoned along with her sister Betsie in Ravensbrück, a concentration camp, during the Nazi occupation of Holland. After her horrible experience, she would give talks about Jesus and His forgiveness. One time she recognized a guard from the camp come forward. He said he had become a Christian and wanted to hear it from her lips that he was forgiven. It all came rushing back, her sister dying, this guard's cruelty and now, he couldn't even remember her!

But she put out her hand stiffly, and God flooded her with His love. When it is truly difficult to forgive, we can just take a little step forward, and God will supply the rest. Corrie knew that if she didn't forgive this man, she would remain an invalid for the rest of her life. She saw it in the people she ministered too. Those who remained bitter could not move on with their lives. 

I watched Beauty and the Beast last night. One of the things I like about the movie was that the servants were not bitter about their fate. They forgave their master, the beast, because they understood why he became the selfish young man he was, and even took part of the blame.  Because of that compassion, they were able to be hopeful, and help save themselves from the horrible fate that awaited them. 

Lord, may I always look upon others with compassion and love. If there is any hatred or unforgiveness in me, bring it out so You can help me take the first step and heal me.

Monday, March 20, 2017


"I have made a covenant with my chosen..." Psalm 89:3

I am part of a covenant community. When we say yes, we want to have a covenant relationship with God and our brothers and sisters, the women are given a veil and the men a mantle to wear during our gatherings. This is a sign of commitment. Yesterday, we went to the wake of one of our members. Merl was very much a part of many members' lives. She always asked how we were. She knew our families. When my mother got sick, she was our prayer partner, and when my mother was in the hospital, she came and sang songs at her bedside. 

So many of us have many stories to tell about Merl and her love for each one of us, from the oldest to the youngest. She was like a mother hen, wanting to know where her chicks were, and wanting to take care of them.

God shows his love for us through brothers and sisters like Merl. He said yes, He wanted a covenant relationship with us, when He made a promise to Abraham. He has said yes many times. The biggest yes was when He spread out His arms and died on the cross for us. 

Lord, I say yes to You. You chose me even before You created the world to be set apart (Eph.1:4). How privileged I am to be a part of Your chosen people, Your adopted family! 

Sunday, March 19, 2017

In our Midst

"Is the Lord in our midst or not?" Exodus 17:7

Like the Israelites, we tend to ask this question when we are in the midst of some trial. In Exodus 17, the people of God grumbled and complained because they were thirsty. They forgot all about the pillar of fire that guided them at night, the parting of the sea so they would be saved from the Egyptians' wrath, the manna and the quail from the Lord's hand for them to eat. 

In Romans 5:3-4, Saint Paul advises that we should rejoice in our trials and tribulations: knowing that tribulation produces steadfastness, patience and perseverance. This in turn develops strength of character in us, and character strengthens our confident expectation of salvation. When we are undergoing some trial or testing, let us be confident that God is doing some perfecting in us. Just like any master potter, He will knead and mold, and carve. He will throw us on the potter's wheel again and again. He will creatively use the needle or the brush or whatever tool He can, to make us into the masterpiece He plans. 

Lord, it may be hard to rejoice in the trials and sufferings we sometimes go through. May we always be aware that You walk with us during these times, and may we be confident that You are doing some important work in us. Amen. 

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Stale Checks!

"How many hired hands at my father's place have more than enough to eat, while here I am starving!" Luke 15:17

We are all prodigal sons and daughters of the God of the universe if we do not realize how much blessing He has in store for His children. Our heritage is immeasurable! We have only to look back through the ages and claim each and everyone of the promises given to Abraham and the sons and daughters of Abraham. We do not have to reinvent how to be blessed, how to do business, how to bring up our children, how to discern God's will, etc. Sometimes we buy and read so many self help books when what we should read again and again is our instruction manual, the Bible. 

One of the stories that impacted me was about an old man found dead and stiff in Central Park one very frigid day. When his pockets were searched to find out his identity, there were several stale checks in them. The man died, not knowing he was rich, that he could have had a family in Christ, that he could have called on His Father and received blessing after immeasurable blessing.  We should make sure we are not like this man and his stale checks. The promises of God are as good as checks that we can encash if we know about it. Let us not die with so many 
stale checks in our pockets! 

Lord, You are good and merciful. May I live knowing You want to bless and prosper me. Thank You for the inheritance we have in You. I want to encash EVERY check in 
my name from You! 

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