
Wednesday, May 31, 2017

WOYWW: The Lowly Princess

This is what I am working on this morning.

And this is my desk, part of it anyway.

"For He has looked upon His servant in her lowliness." Luke 1:48

Mary recognized her lowliness, her smallness, her powerless situation. She knew her place in God's scheme of things. Do we? 

Just as Mary was chosen, we too are chosen, special, favored, beloved. But it does not translate to entitlement, or being given a license to lord it over others. Very few of us would accept that we are proud, or haughty. Joyce Meyer said she wouldn't write a book with the word 'proud' or 'pride' in the title because it wouldn't sell. BUT I'll bet a book with 'princess' would sell. We need to know we are a prince or a princess, because we are children of the King of Kings. 

The best King, Queen, Prince or Princess would be the one who recognized that their privileged position obliged them to serve others. As children of the King, shouldn't we also recognize that we have a responsibility to be compassionate towards others, kind and forgiving? 

May I learn to be like You, Father. My Spirit was forged in heaven, and nothing is impossible when I walk with You. 

Joining the lovely Julia Dunnit for a 
peek at desks and projects!

I find a lot of inspiration
visiting my friends here:



  1. Gorgeous journalling today. Helen #5

  2. Anonymous1:34 PM

    Happy WOYWW. Beautiful journaling. Your pages do not seem to wrinkle as much as mine do. Think I put too thick a layer of gesso on? Ali x #7

  3. Powerless is how the Manchester people have felt this last week but we are united and now finding strength in one another.
    Lynn xx 2

  4. Happy WOYWW your art work is amazing...gorgeous journaling May#19

  5. Your pages are gorgeous. Have a great week. soojay 28

  6. very beautiful altered book page, tell your friend I think Pride and Prejudice sold pretty well!!! Dxx 27

  7. Lovely journaling. I can't draw faces/people for toffee, so I always admire those who can. Sarah #22

  8. I'm amazes at how your pictures take shape Patsy but oh I love your post. I often remind a friend who has low self esteem the verse in Psalms " the king's daughter is all beautiful within" we are made beautiful within by the cleansing power of Jesus blood as we trust Him for our salvation. Till then "all our righteousness are as filthy rags."
    Thanks for being a blessing Patsy.
    Thanks for sharing your inspiration!
    Shaz in Oz.x 15

    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  9. What a stunning piece of journalling - your painting is so 'capturing'- the eyes are both kind-looking and understanding.

    Have a Wonderful Wednesday!
    Bubbles #31


    Great looking work
    Lilian # 35

  11. Lovely painting, nice busy desk! Thanks for sharing, Lindart #41

  12. Hi Patsy. What a beautiful painting depicting our beauty in Jesus.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #9

  13. Hi Patsy stunning art work and journalling your art work is always beautiful.have a lovely week andrea x

  14. Happy WOYWW. Stunning book! I love an altered book.
    Katie xx

  15. Beautiful art work. Notice more and more people are throwing books away these days, they make a great base for all sorts of things. I sometimes use old music books. Have a good week Anickoana #6

  16. Your artwork is beautiful. Thanks for sharing. Creative Blessings! Kelly #36

  17. Your artwork is beautiful but I would find it difficult to paint on the printed page. It's a hangover from being told not to deface books when I was young. Have a great weekend. Elizabeth x #33


I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy