
Wednesday, March 28, 2018

WOYWW: Prevailing Spirit

This is what I finished yesterday. I started it during a workshop I gave last week to some teenagers and was not able to finish it during the session. Below is one of the columns where I give my workshops. My brother painted it. 

Love to see happy faces after every artivity! 

“I gave my back to those who beat me.” Isaiah 50:6

As we get to the heart of the Lenten season, we read more and more of the prophecies of Isaiah. Last Palm Sunday, we read from the same chapter this prophecy about Jesus, that He did not rebel, He gave His back to those who beat Him even if He could have called on any element in the universe, any force in heaven and earth, to save Him. 

We may think that Jesus had a supernatural spirit behind Him, and that’s why He could endure all His beatings, all the insults piled on Him. But we too have this prevailing, conquering Spirit. 

When Corrie ten Boom and her sister Betsie were in the Ravensbrück Concentration Camp, Betsie would get beaten because she was so weak from her congenital anemia. She could not carry much and Ravensbrück was a work camp. The women were forced to get up at 4:30 am and get their job orders. But Betsie would remind Corrie, “No hate.” Betsie told Corrie there was always a reason for everything, and that when they got out, they would be able to tell their story. Betsie died in camp, but Corrie was able to go around the world and tell many stories. One of my favorite is how Betsie would prod her younger sister Corrie to thank God for everything. “Everything? Even the fleas?” The large room where the women were crowded into was crawling with fleas, and Corrie was skeptical about thanking God for those creatures! One day Betsie said excitedly, “I found out why no one bothers us here!” They had been holding 2 bible studies a night, all the women crowded together, singing hymns, and none of the guards came in to stop them! “It’s because of the fleas!” 

Thank You Lord for giving us Your Spirit of forbearance and strength. Thank You that we can lean on You. We do not have to struggle on alone. 

Joining the lovely Julia Dunnit for a 
peek at desks and projects!
I find a lot of inspiration
visiting my friends here:



  1. Hi Patsy, fabulous piece of art and perfect for the group you were working with. How lovely to see their happy, proud faces. Happy Easter. Sarah #7

  2. Anonymous7:04 PM

    Happy WOYWW. A great piece of art - and how wonderful to be leading a workshop. Happy Easter. Ali x #23

  3. Awww that's a very happy group of crafters hehe. Lovely page by the way, you have fantastic handwriting
    Ellie #27

  4. Lovely post and great artwork. Happy Easter. Have a wonderful week. Elizabeth x #28

  5. I love the word "artivity"! Your brother is very talented - the sign is awesome, as is your project - I love it! Thanks for sharing! Lindart #31

  6. Your journal page is great, the column is amazing and it's great that you are able to spread your talent to others. Loved your post! Dorlene #34

  7. Hi Patsy, nice group photo! Your artwork is, as usual, quite stunning! Have a lovely week Heather x #37

  8. Your artwork is beautiful - is it fabric? It looks quilted.

    Have a lovely week,
    Carmen x #26

  9. Hi Patsy, as always your art is beautiful and inspirational! You are such a blessing! Happy WOYWW, Ginny M

  10. Great post! Love all the awesome art you do! I enjoy the classes more because of the feeling of love and sharing then the art most this art! Hope you are having a great week!
    ...I am late getting around as usual! Vickie #39


I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy