Thursday, April 16, 2020

Easter Joy

“This is the day the Lord has made; let us be glad and rejoice in it.” Psalm 118:24

We continue to celebrate the Easter joy of Jesus’ resurrection this whole week. We cannot relegate the miracle of Christ’s rising from the dead to one measly day of the year! No! We need to ponder this great gift of God some more, which is why Easter is a whole season of glorious rejoicing! 

Father, why do You love us so much as if there is just one of us to love? Why did You send Your Son, and allow His sacrifice on the cross? “What is man that you should be mindful of him, or the son of man that you should care for him?” (Psalm 8:4) 

Perhaps we are feeling out of sorts at this time, we are stuck at home, we are itching to go out, and see our friends, go to a restaurant, go to work. We yearn for the old familiar things. But have we considered that with this gift of time, there is much to discover about ourselves? I believe we have a God shaped vacuum within each of us, that only God can fill. Every time we long for something, it is really God we long for. “He has set eternity in the human heart...” (Ecc. 3:10) That is why we will never be satisfied with the things of this world, we long for another world, where one day we will be united with our Creator, the One who loves us best. And that is why Easter is the most marvelous gift, it opened up heaven for us! Because of Jesus’ ultimate sacrifice, we can walk into our Father’s Kingdom, like the prodigal son, and He will welcome us with open arms! 

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I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy