
Friday, July 22, 2022

Marvelous Gift!

 "They have taken the Lord’s body out of the tomb, and I don't know where they put Him!" John 20:2

Can you hear Mary’s frantic voice, her head swiveling to look in every direction, trying to see behind every crevice, rock formation, tree? What can THEY have done to Jesus’ body? 

Today is the Feast Day of Saint Mary Magdalene, she from whom Jesus cast out seven demons! Of course she was very grateful after that, and kept at Jesus’ side along with other Apostles, men and women, who traveled with Him. She, with Jesus’ mother, John the beloved Apostle, and some relatives, were at the foot of the Cross when Jesus died. We cannot imagine what she felt, staring at the blood dripping from Jesus’ body. She was probably clutching at Jesus’ mother’s cloak, both seeking comfort and trying to give comfort. Two nights after, with hardly any sleep, Mary was the earliest at the tomb, bearing spices, and a lot of will power. 

I remember when my mom died, and I walked to our church very near our house, where her body lay in her coffin. It was early in the morning, maybe 3 or 4 am, and I was alone with my thoughts. It was very dark, and all I wanted was to be with her, just one last time. So I can fully understand Mary. Perhaps she wanted to pour out her fears, her sorrow, her dashed hopes, despair even. 

But because Mary went, she is given a gift. She does not know what it means at first. 

Sometimes, even most of the time, God's gifts are shrouded in mystery. And like all gifts, there is an anticipation, a hope, then a revelation. We only realize its significance, its worth, when we stay close, trusting, and we ponder like Mary, the mother of Jesus. She whose heart was pierced, “treasured all these things and  reflected on them in her heart." (Luke 2:19) 

The revelation of Easter, Resurrection Sunday, when our Lord rose from the dead and appeared to many, is not something we should keep for ourselves. It is also not something we reflect on just once a year. Like Mary Magdalene, after unwrapping the gift and realizing its value, we should go out and share it with others. “This is what I found out! HOPE is alive! All Jesus said was true! IS true! ALL His promises!"

Because Jesus rose from the dead, as He said He would, we should go back to ALL He said and live the way He said we should live, so we can have ALL He promised we could have! Thank you Lord for this absolutely marvelous awesome gift!

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I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy