Thursday, January 18, 2024

There is Always Healing

“He had cured many and as a result, those who had diseases were pressing upon Him to touch Him.” Mark 3:10

Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. We can and should approach Him with what we need. Although some do not get the answers to prayer that we desire right away, Jesus does not mind if we keep pestering Him as evinced by His story of the persistent widow and the unjust judge in Luke 18:1-8. Here a woman seeking justice repeatedly approaches the judge who lacks compassion until he finally gives it to her. How much more will a Father of compassion and mercy listen to our pleas? 

Who does not like reading about miracles? God does healing miracles today and some have so much evidence it is undeniable. The late Dr. H. Richard Casdorph wrote a book, “The Miracles: A Doctor says Yes to Miracles!” where he interviewed ten people who had been healed after being prayed over. He examined all their case histories and also submitted them to medical specialists to see if he overlooked anything. The doctor was a pioneer in the medical field, one of the first doctors to integrate chelation therapy into his treatments of vascular disease. 

There’s the case of Lisa Larios who was diagnosed with cancer of the hip when she was just 12 years old. She could not walk without help so her parents brought her to a healing service of Kathryn Kuhlman. During the session in the large auditorium, Ms. Kuhlman said someone was being healed from cancer and should stand up. Lisa stood up and was able to walk after that. All her x-rays afterwards proved her hip was fully restored and the cancer gone. 

In the case of Marie Rosenberger, she was healed of a malignant tumor after her family spent an evening praying for her. Her husband stayed up all night and received a vision of the tumor being healed. Dr. Castorph’s book even reproduces the arteriograms of her case. Marie was not healed right away but her continuous improvement until her complete healing amazed the doctors because they did not expect her to live but she did! 

Whatever way God chooses to heal and make whole, whether instantaneously or slowly, there is always healing. Sometimes God chooses to heal completely and totally, not only the physical body, but even emotionally, and traumas are taken away. And although we usually fear it, death is the best healing of all, no more pain, no more problems and anxieties, no more dealing with a world gone mad! 

Father, thank You for Your healing mercy, no matter what form it takes. We trust in You because You keep Your promises. 

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I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy