Monday, June 24, 2024

Fearfully, Wonderfully Made

“Truly you have formed my inmost being; you knit me in my mother’s womb. I give you thanks that I am fearfully, wonderfully made; wonderful are your works.” Psalm 139:13-14

When Joshua was in my tummy, I felt a mixture of awe, anxiety, and peace. I was 38 years old, and it was my first time to carry a child in my womb, so of course I wanted to take the best care of my baby. I prayed and prayed, and God knew I had a mixture of excitement and fear, and He reassured me saying, “When you hold your child in your arms, you will know how much I love you.” 

When Joshua was born, I was not exactly prepared. Luigi and I thought we were just going for a check up. There were regular pains but not very painful, and when I reached my doctor’s clinic, the ladies waiting there said my tummy was too small, I couldn’t be in labor. My doctor arrived and after examining me, she sent me to the labor room. I delivered quickly, so fast there was no time for an aesthetic to be administered. 

When we see a little baby, don’t we think he or she is a masterpiece by our Creator? An extraordinary, precious, unique work of art, each one of them? How much more if we consider that we are all made of trillions and trillions of cells but we come from the division of just one itsy bitsy cell! 

Our brains are amazing! My little grandchild is not yet four but he is so talkative, and has a vivid imagination. The other day when asked, “What happens when we pollute the water?”, he answered, “CHOLERA!!!!!!” He examined my leg and told me if I had an open wound, bacteria would get in my body and I would need an antibiotic. His first word was “umbrella”, and we are constantly being surprised at how he can learn the meanings of words by context. 

And our skin is awesome! I am always thankful that our skin is made of such a miraculous material because I always manage to get my hands dirty with paints, and inks, and markers. And yet, we can wash it with soap and water, and it becomes as good as new. And how about our eyes, and nose, our eyelashes that keep dust away from our eyes, our philtrum (the medical indentation on top of our lip) which helps in the movement of our mouth? 

There are so many parts of our bodies we take for granted, but God did not. He was intentional in our bodies’ design, and if we researched, I am sure we would find so many amazing details to thank God for. 

Thank You Father for You created us to be a masterpiece of Your creation, Your crowning glory! 

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I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy