Saturday, July 20, 2024

Feed the Good

"Woe to those who plan iniquity, and work out evil on their couches." Micah 2:1

Where does evil come from? This verse in Micah struck me especially because of what’s happening in the world today. Just last Saturday a former President was targeted on live television. What was in the heart and mind of the would be assassin that he would try to kill a person without thinking of the consequence for his soul, his country, and even the world? Thomas Matthew Crooks obviously saw Donald Trump as not a human being with intrinsic value, but an animal to be destroyed. And all those people who bemoaned the fact that he missed are no better! 

I do believe that there are seeds of evil in each one of us. There is a parable about a grandfather telling a story to a young boy about two wolves inside us always at war with each other. One of the wolves is good and the other evil. One wolf is brave, honorable, kind, helpful, loving, and the other one is the exact opposite. "Which one wins?" the boy asks. His grandfather answers, “The one you feed."  

We have to guard our heart very diligently for it determines the course of our life. (Proverbs 4:23) We have to watch for any signs of discontent, covetousness, envy, and ungratefulness in our heart and mind and root it out. Because little seeds germinate, and can grow into big trees of evil deeds. Lust for things we do not have, conceives inside us. If we do not kill it when it is small, we can give birth to adultery, murder, etc. Evil doesn't just happen. It starts small. Lord, show me if there's anything displeasing to you in the way I think, in what I do. Help me to feed the good in me, and destroy what is evil in Your sight.

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I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy