
Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Gratitude in My Heart

“The favors of the Lord I will sing forever.” Psalm 89:2

Death is a very mysterious door. Some of my friends passed through quickly, and some, like my brother Robert, laboured long before they were able to see what lay on the other side. My brother had a difficult time the last weeks and months of his life, and we asked for mercy and grace for him, and for ourselves as well. 

When we see death face to face, we realize how ephemeral life is. Where once there was a living, breathing human being, suddenly all breathing stops and there is a suspension of unbelief for a while. Really, truly gone? Never to hear his voice again, his stories, his laughter? Never to see his wonderful smile, his teasing eyes, the magic of his hands creating new masterpieces on paper? 

Robert always said God was in control. And so He is. Life goes on. Although I love ordinary days where there is no bad news, I also realize there are no ordinary days. Every day is extraordinarily extraordinary! We are on a journey around the sun, for goodness sake! Every year we go around this huge mass of hot 5778 K swirling plasma! And just like that, my perspective changes. I am surrounded by miracles. Nothing is ordinary! Not the cactus sitting quietly on a pot beside me. And certainly not the wonderful gift of life we received from God, a new baby in the family! How do I hold on to this miracle God generously blesses us with? 

Like the psalmist, I should always have gratitude in my heart. I should open my eyes, my heart, my ears to the favors of the Lord. I should not concentrate on what can happen, what gives me stress, all the shenanigans happening in Congress. The heavens proclaim the wonders of God. I am His creation. So should I! 

Instead I should contemplate the “panoramic glimpse of God’s unfolding plan of salvation” as I read this morning. Father, help us to never lose sight of Your eternal gift for each of us, Your Son Jesus! 

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I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy