
Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Love Becoming Flesh

“And the Word became flesh...” John 1:14

The miracle of Christmas is all about the Word of God taking on human flesh and dwelling among men. It’s God’s way of letting us get to know Him. 

Jesus is the total message of God. When we read about Him in the Gospels, He is God in the round. Jesus is no abstract concept we can delegate in the background as an epic myth. Jesus really existed and is a historical figure. And for the curious scientific mind, maybe the 300 prophecies in the Old Testament about Jesus is mumbo jumbo, but we cannot discount that mathematically speaking, no one else but Jesus fulfilled all of it. Just one person fulfilling a mere 8 prophecies is a chance in an awesome 100,000,000,000,000,000!!!! It is totally impossible for one man to fulfill 300 prophecies. It can only be God who has control of time and space! 

Can our minds wrap around this truth? The One who made the earth, the universe, who put the stars and the planets in their place, became a man and walked with us for 33 years! He was born of a peasant woman, but He was a King! Heaven came to that little town, Bethlehem, and the angels were His army. The powerful rulers of His time tried to destroy Him. But they were the ones who were destroyed. The Kingdom that He came to build on earth, His Church, is still alive and flourishing here on earth!

So let us ponder this mystery of God becoming a man like us, this amazing miracle of love becoming flesh. 

A blessed Christmas season from my family to yours!

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I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy