
Friday, January 06, 2012

Of Workshops and Journals

I am taking a free workshop
and here's my first attempt.
I quite enjoyed doing this 
even if I didn't have much of the supplies needed!
I'm going to have to buy spray bottles
if I really want to follow what she taught! 

And here's my journal for today:
a drawing of John the Baptist!
He doesn't look as fierce as 
I imagine him to be!

John the Baptist with his fire and brimstone,
uncompromising personality,
his unkempt beard and 
unconventional eating habits,
shows me that ANYONE can be
an ambassador for God!

Usually we think of ambassadors 
as perfectly proper people, 
polite and well-mannered,
the type who never puts a foot wrong.
I know God can use that type of person,
but if we're NOT that type, 
and I definitely am not,
it is no excuse not to say,
"Here I am, Lord, use me!"

All of us can spread the love of the Father,
all of us can have that privilege! 


  1. you truly are an inspiration!!!

  2. You're doing good at the workshop!!
    Love your works!

  3. Your work from the workshop looks great. I love your use of colour.

  4. Loving your pieces especially John the Baptist. Happy PPF and have a great weekend, Annette x

  5. What fun colorful page! :) i love Traci! Haven't done anything in her workshop, yet. :)

  6. Love the colors in your Traci inspired page! It has such great layers and fun!

  7. Hi Patsy. I especially love John The Baptist. Great work. Nice workshop piece. Thanks for sharing.

  8. John the Baptist looks pretty fierce to me. The collage page is great, looks like you re really enjoying the class.

  9. What a nice post! And you are right, we all can spread the love♥
    I like the piece you made.
    Happy new year and PPF!

  10. Colorful, I like the first picture. God bless you.

  11. Very colorful creations and John the Baptist ~ well done ~ Happy New Year ~ ~ thanks, namaste, Carol (Share the Creative Journey) Happy PPF ^_^

  12. so vibrant and strong. Wonderful!!!

  13. That journal page at the top is just so beautiful and fresh... I will be interested to see where your work goes as the workshop progresses... love it and have a wonderful week...xx

  14. The WORKSHOP JOURNAL ART is beautiful!!!
    Happy PPF!
    Sheri Cook/HappyHorseStudio

  15. I love your artwork!

  16. Such pretty colors! Your class looks like so much fun! I love your John the Baptist piece. I totally agree... ANYONE can be
    an ambassador for God. :)

  17. I love all the details of your flowers - I'm looking forward to seeing what else you create in the workshop :)


  18. Hi, Patsy!! I love the journal pages you are doing from the workshop. You are so talented, I'm sure you will continue to do beautiful pages!

    Thank you for the comment on my blog. I use those drawings to develop my paintings onto wood (I discovered my love for painting on wood about 5 years's my main substrate.) I love to think of little characters in odd situations!

    Come back soon!! xoxo

  19. Lovely pages - really like your colour choices in the first one.

  20. Gorgeous, gorgeous workshop journal page! :)

    Happy New Year and
    Happy PPF!!
    Mixed-Media Map Art

  21. inspirational art. Lovely! God bless!

  22. Your colorful journal page is fantastic, I love it! And your John the Baptiste came out great too!!! Deb

  23. Anonymous4:14 AM

    Love your Journal page! and your message...praise God He can use any of us! xo (Popping in from Sneak Peak Friday), Debbie

  24. I am taking Traci's class too and I felt the same way - I need some sprays!! :) Your page looks fantastic. Have a wonderful start to the New Year!

  25. lovely lovely

  26. Gorgeous journals - I love your drawings!

  27. I love your brightly colored workshop journal page. I'm doing that workshop too, although I realized I had nothing to work with, so I need to rummage around and find some stuff, so I can get back to it.
    I love to look at your journal pages and hear what you've read. Very full of wisdom and it's a blessing to read and see your drawings.
    Have a wonderful week! :)

  28. Beautiful colors and designs!


I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy