
Wednesday, January 11, 2012

WOYWW: Speak Lord!

I've sort of cleaned up,
removed the pile of wrapping paper,
and now I can see my desk.

The other day my sisters and I went
to the supermarket,
and I came home with textured placemats
and coasters which I cut up to use
for making backgrounds.
You can see the cut up bits of placemats
on the left of my journal.

And here you see how I
used it for my journal.

I read today about Samuel who was instructed
by the priest Eli that if he were called,
to answer, "Speak Lord, 
your servant is listening." (1 Sam.3)
Even Jesus went off to a deserted place to pray. 
How much more is it important for us
to do this so we remain connected to the Father!

Joining the lovely Julia for a 
peek at desks and projects!
Linking up with

Grab My Button
A wonderfully blessed new year!


  1. Textured placemats now that is an interesting idea for a background. Always a delight to pop in and see what is happening on your desk.

  2. Fab creative space today and I love your creation.
    Happy WOYWW
    Cathy xx (#24)

  3. Hi there; great creative space this week with lots to see! Thanks for sharing!
    Neil # 31

  4. I love your lady. She is so elegant.

  5. Great idea to use the placemats!

  6. I could hardly wait to visit because you are always so good about visiting. Nice that you cleaned up your space. Just as long as it doesn't stifle your creativity. Happy WOYWW (#3).

  7. awesome journal you are working on! Started my first art journal this week! Thanks for sharing and have a great week! Vickie #50

  8. Well, I would never have thought about using placemats as pages for your journal, but it works really well, doesn't it?? That was a clever idea :D
    Hugs, LLJ #26 xx

  9. Great idea with the placemats, beautiful art work, Happy wednesday, Hugs May x x x x

  10. I love how you meet God through your art. Your creativity is an inspiration!

  11. Hello Patsy,

    Isn't it great when you see an item and think of something totally different to use it for (than it was intended).

    Very inspiring post! Thank you,



  12. It is amazing the different things you can use isn't it?

  13. the placements are a real find and a perfect art base...! Thanks for the peek in to your crafty space...Sarah at 6

  14. What a clever use of placemats! I love the picture below from your new workshop - fab colours. x Jo

  15. Anonymous3:10 PM

    Hi Patsy - always enjoy visiting here. Such a lively blog full of creativity. Thanks for linking up and looking forward to seeing you again next week :)
    God bless

  16. I'm seeing how many I can get round this way.then when I have finished I'll come back again, that is if I can STOP reading all the posts first Happy WOYWW

    LOu P

  17. I love finding different things to use for crafting!
    Love your pages and the message too.
    JoZarty x

  18. I always love visiting your desk and seeing what you are up to. That is a creative use of table mats! (and a better use too if you ask me!)

  19. This is so neat! Jesus relationship with His Father is an awesome example of what ours should be. I've never thought of that in relationship to our prayer life! Thanks for sharing this!

  20. Beautiful page. I love your work!

    Katie (159)

  21. That is so lovely! I love what I see you have made! I read that same section of scripture yesterday and hadn't made that connection. Thanks for the thought!
    Visiting from The Wellspring. Peace.

  22. Great idea to use the coasters and placemats - love your creation - thanks for the peep at your workspace(Hazel, WOYWW 67) x

  23. You see art in the most unlikely htings Patsy - love the texture of those mats! And I like the shape of your new journal.

  24. Sorry I'm late, but lovely to see a nice busy desk!

  25. Great work desk.
    Jackie #113

  26. Anonymous2:57 AM

    Very nice post and painting...I like the blinky too, blogging does keep my mind dancing in joy!

  27. What a cool way to use those placemats!


I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy