
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

WOYWW 137: The Battle is the Lord's

Something really gross on my desk today!

But first, a painting I've been working on.
I'm going to put a bird on the top left.
Do you think that'll work?

 And here's the "something gross!"
One of my favorite stories in the bible-
David and Goliath!

We fight battles left and right.
Some big, some small.
I believe we always need to see
our challenges through God's eyes
so we will not despair or lose hope.

If there is great trial in your life right now,
do not own it as defeat,
but continue by faith to claim the victory
through Him who is able to make you
and a glorious victory will soon be apparent.

Let us learn that in all the hard places 
God brings us into,
for us to exercise such faith in Him
as will bring about BLESSED RESULTS
and greatly glorify His name.
(From Streams in the Desert, January 18)

Joining the lovely Julia for a 
peek at desks and projects!
Look a new logo!!
Linking up with

Grab My Button



  1. Your painting reminds me of a episode of Wife swap I happened upon the last night, of course 2 very extremly different families! One religious, moral, the other rockers, drinkers, etc. So the rocker guy asks the swap wife how his kids can't play violent video games but the stories in the bible ex. he used people getting killed on the cross, how are they any different. Well head smack guy, their is a difference in dying for others then killing just to watch people die. But on a happy note I love your art!!:)

  2. I was glad to see your David and Goliath painting. It rocks! And thanks for visiting yesterday because I didn't think my snowman was all that cute. But then, that was just the start of the piece. Laughed when I read what you wrote, though. Happy WOYWW from #1.

  3. I love your paintings! I am now hosting a weekly Inspire Me Monday party and I would love it if you would share your work with us - your inspirational paintings and journals ALWAYS inspire me!

    Have a wonderful WOYWW!


  4. I think the bird will work beautifully in the left hand space, such a pretty painting. OK.. Goliath's head is gruesome... but each to their own!! LOL

  5. The first page is beautiful, fab colours, happy woyww trace x no9

  6. Oh I think a bird will be a delightful touch! Happy WOYWW #23 ~Robin Panzer Art Studio 33

  7. ooh lots going on here :))
    Have a very happy woyww day
    Jennie #5

  8. Yep, the bird will be perfect. Thanks for the warning.

  9. Thank you for sharing a bit of your world with us WOYWWers this morning! I hope you have a wonderful week. That psalm is a favourite of mine, thank you for sharing it today!
    Neil # 34

  10. Lovely artwork - a small bird might balance up the figure, but I quite like the space!!
    Hugs, LLJ '#43 xx

  11. Love your painting and I definitely think a bird would work! Have a great week and thanks for sharing! Vickie #33

  12. Wonderful spring colours of creation and splashes of blood - Tell the Bible like it is I say!!! Thanks for sharing with WOYWW? today! Sarah at 4.

  13. Love everything that is on your desk - even the gross thing! Yes we do fight battles every day but if we have the Lord on our side what battle can be hard???
    Lots of hugs,

  14. these are lovely, would love to try this

    thanks for the snoop

    judie xx

  15. Agree about the bird and love the Sorrow/Joy page.

  16. I love the "delight" painting. Yes, a bird or butterfly would be nice.

  17. eeowww! Agree about the gross, think I would have preferred to see David taking a potshot with his sling! Your painting is fab

  18. Well good for you, it's pilot at o journal and document the realism too! Great artwork as always....dunno about the bird..I quite like the space...but then youll convince me anyway!

  19. yesterday I had to work in emergency dept, I saw something Really Gross,

    your head without a body is pretty gross,

    life ain't always pretty, so why pretend otherwise? I like your art.

    not sure about the bird - I'd stick one on with blue tac first and check out the composition before `i made a permenant change...

    sorry I've not been over your way for a while, been struggling to get around to even half the desks...


  20. I just love your illustrations!!

  21. Love your painting with or without the addition of a bird. Lovely colour for the main background. Hugs Neet 11

  22. Just keep creating and the gross will fall to the wayside. Lead with your heart and beauty will follow. Thank-you for your kind visit.

  23. Hi Patsy,

    That's a great little painting!! And you're right, that was gross.... haaa


  24. It is always a pleasure to visit your desk, gross things or not. I agree that a swooping bird would look good in the left upper corner of your painting.

  25. Great painting! Thanks for the warning about it being gross. Although, I have to say, I was so worried about what it might be, that when I saw what it was, I wasn't grossed out at all! And I love that you have illustrated that story, it is always one I have loved as well.

    Happy WOYWW (on Thursday!)
    Katie #16

  26. Beautiful work!!

    Katie (112)

  27. yes, a bird would be perfect on the top left corner!

    beautiful, beautiful!

  28. Hi there Patsy two great post above this - today WOYWW and the Friday one - love this verse about sheltering under His wings and yes the battle is not ours but the LORD's praise Him. Thanks so much for sharing. Happy WOYWW! love, Shaz in Oz. x #67

  29. The colour of your painting is just gorgeous as it the painting itself.
    Happy WOYWW
    Hugs Lisax #101

  30. Your work is always so colirful!!

  31. Brilliant painting, i think a bird would be very good x Lou x#94


I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy