
Monday, July 23, 2012

The Sign of Jonah

Sometimes life is like this.
A jumble.
A mess.
We need to make sense of it.

From the jumble of images, experiences,
challenges that God allows in our life,
we can "pull" meaning, inspiration, encouragement.

We can also "pull" negativity and discouragement.

Jesus was asked by scribes and 
Pharisees for a sign in Matthew 12. 
Jesus answered that he would give no sign
except the sign of Jonah the prophet.
"Just as Jonah was in the belly 
of the whale three days and three nights,
so will the Son of Man be in the heart 
of the earth three days and three nights."

Sometimes we do not understand 
the signs that God gives us.
Our job is to trust Him!

I truly appreciate your visits and comments.
Although I try my best to return your visits,
between family life, work and commitments
to my Christian community,
it's just not possible! 

As a thank you to all of you wonderful people 
who take the time and effort to leave a comment,
I pick one of you every week to receive an ATC
from me or a postcard of one of my paintings.
The RNG picked Jennifer Carter this morning.
I'll be emailing her so she can choose 
from one of the ATCs above 
or the postcard of my canvas.

I love blog parties!

Won't you join us?
On In Around button



  1. Hi Patsy! I always believe that God works in the most mysterious ways. I have my own living testaments too. Despite the chaos and all the problems in our lives, He will one day clear up everything and give us something more than what we expect. Thank you for this reminder.

    Btw, I watched your TV feature about dolls made from recycled plastic bottles :)

  2. Trusting in God even when we don't understanding is something I've been learning. Beautiful artwork as usual my friend.

  3. Yes. Amen! And God bless you this week as you simply trust Him.

  4. How much more blessed are those who haven't seen and yet still believe! Faith is trusting what we can't "see" and it is a journey. I love the art work - the whale is very terrifying and that reminds me that we have to look beyond our own fears and keep our eyes on God.

  5. Patsy, this is my first visit with you and thank you so much for not only the beautiful art (I love the 1st abstract on this post) but the inspiration to study His Word. I look forward to joining you and visiting again.

  6. Beautiful work! Found you on Inspiration Monday and love your stuff. You have really got your own style and I love that! I look forward to seeing more.

  7. Wow, you are VERY talented. That piece is amazing!

  8. I love the artworks! And I agree -- faith and trust in times of confusion.

  9. Sometimes I truly do not understand the signs.

    That, by the way, may be the coolest depiction of Jonah's whale I have ever seen!

  10. Love your paintings! Thanks for participating in the True Vine Challenge.

  11. Absolutely beautiful! I love your artwork!

  12. Ops, I make a mistake with my link. Here it is again.


I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy