
Monday, December 17, 2012

A Role to Play

When we read Jesus' genealogy in the 
first Chapter of Matthew,
we see vaguely familiar names from Bible stories,
and some totally forgettable characters.
But it's different with God.
Each one of those people were important to God.
They each had a role to play.
YOU and I are just as important!
We have a role to play in God's wonderful plan!

We may not always understand the plan of God.
Sometimes it is downright confusing,
and faith breaking.
Why did He allow what happened in 
Sandy Hook School?
Why did He allow Typhoon Pablo to ravage 
the Southern part of the Philippines
and kill more than a thousand people?

In Philippians 4:6 it reads:
Have no anxiety at all, but in EVERYTHING,
by prayer and petition,
make your requests known to God.

I guess it really boils down to:
Do we trust God?

Even back in the Prophet Elijah's day,
God asked Elijah to trust Him.
It was quite difficult for even the King and his wife
were out to kill Elijah.
But Elijah showed his trust in God by obedience.
Elijah had a role to play and he played it!

Proverbs 4 says:

"Keep your heart with all diligence;

for out of it are the issues of life."

I thought it was time for a 

Christmas Giveaway!

Here's an ATC I made in 2009

and the design was made into a necklace.

Would you like to win the ATC and the necklace?

Perhaps you'd like to see,

I've been featured in Artists in Blogland!

Every week I choose one wonderful

visitor who leaves a comment

to receive an ATC from me.
This week, chose
Linda is always busy making
cards, journal pages,
ornaments, necklaces, etc.

I know how much time and effort

it takes to leave a comment!


  1. Do we trust God? Such an important question to ask ourselves....

  2. I just love how you weave your posts in with your artwork. It makes it so enjoyable to read. I am stopping by from Miscellany Monday. And really enjoyed my time here! Blessings from Croatia: A Little R & R:

  3. Ah ... trust. Just the ticket.



I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy